posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 01:56 PM
The NVIC is slightly off about the States. Be sure to double check what they listed.
According to the NVIC Oregon, for instance, doesn't allow Philosophical Exemptions. That's because Oregon makes no distinction between Philosophical
and Religious they are both Moral Grounds. If you want to claim Exemption on Moral Grounds, whether it be due to Philosophical or
Religious reasons, then you are Exempt.
The Existing Immunity Clause in some States was news to me. That is a boon to all you Type 0 (especially O-) Blood-types as it is common for that
Blood-type to continue to produce Anti-bodies many generations after initial contact, even if you've never personally came in contact with that
disease yourself. My father, myself, and my daughter still produce Anti-bodies for Rabies, Tetanus, and Rubella even though none of us have ever come
in contact with any of the above. It may be worth the $55 for a measure of your Anti-body levels.