posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 02:11 PM
Remote Backup is a wise idea to prevent catastrophic data loss due to events like fire, theft, sabotage, etc.
However, I wouldn't recommend Online Backups either, for security and privacy reasons.
For Mission Critical Data, you Mirror all your drives, you Mirror all your Servers, and you sneaker-net your backup tapes/drives/thumbsticks to a
Safety Deposit Box on a rotating schedule.
For non-Mission Critical Data (your home computers), I personally have all my computers at home sync with a home server. Then I have the home server
sync with a co-located server that I keep elsewhere. The co-located server is locked in a chassis with intrusion detection, and has triple encryption
on boot up. For most people though, this would be overkill.
For most people, take an image of your harddrive on DVD-ROM or Thumbdrive and either keep it with you at all times or take it to a friends/work
whatever...anywhere but where your computer is physically located. Just be sure to ENCRYPT the contents lest snooping friends/co-workers/bosses might
want to take a peek.