posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by RenoKnows
Welcome to ATS Reno, you sound like a very health conscious kind of person, that is in stark contrast to myself, I tend to imbibe, smoke (trying to
quit, yep, got a thread going on it) and don't exercise enough, I do take vitamins and drink green tea.
So you already have taken the shot? No flu like symptoms after? I am not afraid of taking the shot myself, I read up on flu history and the potential
with swine and future flus, I think the shot sounds much less dangerous.
I used to say I would not take another flu shot, because I got one that made me so sick, like it gave me the flu instead of keeping it at bay, but, I
think it is time to do it again. I have a lung condition and I don't think adding flu or pneumonia to the list would be a good idea.
Well again, welcome to ATS, enjoy your time here!