Well at least you seem to have shown the first glimmer of enlightenment at such a young age, you've realised that you want to work towards the
greater good, this is altruistic, noble and right. And it often takes people many decades to fully understand that this is exactly what life is
really all about, why we are here, the reason why every person exists is essentially to apply the talents they have been given for the greater good of
mankind, contrary to their own selfishness and ego.
So kudos for that
So, where do you begin? Well you've already taken the most important step and achieved the most important realization, naturally, everything should
come together from here. If your motivation is truly altruistic and not self-serving, you are essentially on the right path, serving your own true
will, and I wouldn't be surprised if you started to notice a lot of synchronicities from hereon out.
Anyway where do you start? Well first it starts with insight, you need to know yourself, know what you're good at, know what you enjoy doing, if you
really want to do your best for the greater good of peoples then you need to apply yourself with what you are most talented. So ask yourself...what
am I good at? How can these skills be applied to make a difference towards the greater good? So yes, essentially you need to be doing more soul
searching, looking inwards, understanding yourself and what you feel your 'true will' really is.
But like I said you've already taken the most important step, to be totally sincere and honest with oneself with the declaration that you truly want
to apply yourself in striving towards achieving the greater good, this is a very humble and virtuous thing to do. So in that take some heart, know
that what you are doing is right and it therefore supersedes the so-called advice or judgment you might experience from peers and especially adults.
Be confident in the knowledge that what you are doing
is right, and apply yourself from there.
I'm sorry I can't offer you anything more specific, but that's not my job, but nonetheless I wish you the best in your endeavors, and I just wish
we had many more people both your age or not coming to this realization, if we did, this world would be 1000 times better for all of us.
God Speed fellow Altruist.