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Ask an initiate and member of secret societies

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:47 AM
Hello all,

I appreciate all the great stuff you guys are talking about.

Really interesting stuff.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by Izarith]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by Izarith

He neglected to think of another possibility out of his arrogance. Why ask questions about something that one may prefer to discover on his or her own? It's just going to get colored by the interpretations of whomever is answering.

What is a deep question? Who are you (as in hey that guy) to tell anyone? These folks can keep telling themselves that they know so much and they are good to do so. It keeps them busy and out of trouble or steeped within trouble. Either way they're distracted.

Indicative of massive ego is perhaps that the depth is in relation to the person seeking and not how the Q & A emcee views the matter. Perhaps the reqired level of depth was neither perceived by the reader nor expressed in the answer.

It's all good.

I see you edited out the material that I responded to. LOL. A little weak-kneed but that's ok.

[edit on 10/31/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

You should have quoted me.

No but I made the edit because I was being a bit to serious. Shadow Scholar did make a good point in what he said.

If you think about it we are all given hint's throughout our lives. Wordless experiences that we are virtually illiterate to. People who do unexplainable things by way of exposing us to moments that leave us wondering. Dreams that become just that and nothing more when upon waking up were much more.

How exactly would you ask questions pertaining to these what we consider anomalies?

How vast and widely used are these anomalies by people who know about them?

How do you teach with out words things that are beyond that which is material?

I imagine it would be totally dependant upon the person noticing, then wondering, then searching.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by Izarith]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Izarith

No quoting this time either.

He said if this stuff got preached on the street Jesus style, then maybe we'd all achieve the same enlightenment these societies claim to have. It seems rather ineffective at producing that. Nothing's ultimately a secret anyway. I think much is just playing on people's lust for something they already posess. Seek and ye shall find? Stop seeking. You've found it! It's always in the last place you look.

Why the hell do they want it? Even now I cannot really answer why I even bothered. It all seems crazy. I will likely keep right on seeking but not so much "out there". I need to entertain myself or else there's no point to continuing within manifest realities ("material" or otherwise).

Anomalies? I cannot say I worry too much about those. Within infinite possibility everything is an anomaly. Yeah, you, me and everyone here and everything they know.

Perhaps you were being rhetorical. If so, then please disregard all verbiage.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

No quoting this time either.

Hey now, that was just a spelling edit.

He said if this stuff got preached on the street Jesus style, then maybe we'd all achieve the same enlightenment these societies claim to have. It seems rather ineffective at producing that. Nothing's ultimately a secret anyway. I think much is just playing on people's lust for something they already posess. Seek and ye shall find? Stop seeking. You've found it! It's always in the last place you look.

A secret is no more than a lesson one is not ready for, no secrets can be held amongst irresponsible and child minded. If life is a path one will inevitably find any secret he is looking for and the last place you look on earth should be a moment before your death.

Why the hell do they want it? Even now I cannot really answer why I even bothered. It all seems crazy. I will likely keep right on seeking but not so much "out there". I need to entertain myself or else there's no point to continuing within manifest realities ("material" or otherwise).

Exactly! But look at this way any secret of the outward should only reflect an inward one. And what would be the fun in life if we knew all there was? A secret held for the betterment of others is a secret that should be held once found.

Anomalies? I cannot say I worry too much about those. Within infinite possibility everything is an anomaly. Yeah, you, me and everyone here and everything they know.

Perhaps you were being rhetorical. If so, then please disregard all verbiage.

I was being rhetorical in the ways of a neophyte. But that's no reason to disregard any verbiage. I love vegetables.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Hello everyone, and sorry for my absence lately. I do have things to attend to outside of the online community as well

But for now I am back, for as long time permits, and I will continue to answer questions and participate in discussions here relating to this very thread, and I will also read back to answer questions that have been posting during the time I have not been here.

So please bear with me and have a bit patience as many issues and questions raised here take some time to answer and explain.

But by all means do feel free to ask more, and come with any input you feel suitable, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

With all best regards and profound peace be with you all
-Maggador IX-777

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I hope I'm not drifting to much off topic, but let me say that here in Hellas (Greece) we have a saying that goes something like this: a secret is something that one person keeps to himself and never reveals to anybody, except maybe on his deathbed. As soon as you share your secret with a trusted friend, you can safely assume that it won't stay secret for long, because that trusted friend will eventually share it with another trusted friend of his etc. About secret societies, I seriously doubt that any exist and they certainly have no secret knowledge of any kind. Well, maybe they have, but nothing that would be useful to the average citizen.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Two questions:

In the texts which hold a deeper meaning intertwined in a seemingly mundane script, is there a specific formula for this type of writing or does it simply need to be done by someone with inherent higher knowledge?


Concerning "The Power of the Nine" - does a higher the number mean greater energy, connection, and clarity? I am only familiar with that particular experience, but am aware there is a "Power of the 13."

Thanks for your efforts and sharing here!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:21 PM

[edit on 1-11-2009 by IX-777]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:37 PM

Indeed most secret societes are not really as "secret" as the name suggests - most orders are widely known by name. However, what is taught and practiced within these orders are mostly secret to the common person. How many people do you know yourself that have any idea of what is really being practiced, taught and done within such orders? I assume not too many. So, the secret teachings remains more or less secret after all. You also have to understand there is a degree system of many levels within most such orders and societies, and only the most trusted members will ever achieve the highest levels of such degrees and be initiated into the most holy secrets - so to speak.

And, the secrets ARE very useful for the average citizen, which is one of the reasons I feel it is appropriate to share some of these secrets and teachings because they are extremely beneficial and important to peoples own existence, self-realization and understanding of life and their abilities.


The significance and power of numbers are related to numerology and the number 13 for example relates to the ancient jewish and christian mysticism, Jesus and the Twelve Apostles (13 in total) - Friday the 13th, which was the day the Knights Templars were dissolved (officially) - whom also relates to Jesus and Jerusalem. Jesus further connects to the Kabbalah and Tarot, the Tree of Life (Jesus "died" at age 33 - the Tree of Life of Kabbalah have 10 Sephiroths and one hidden and 22 paths, equals 33 - and the Tarots Major Arcana have 22 cards). Freemasonry have 33 degrees, again kabalistic and relates to the Tree of Life and basically "man becoming God" as the 32 paths of the Kabbala moves from "Man" on the physical plane to the Kingdom of God at the upper level, including the hidden Sephiroth, the number of God thus becomes 33.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by IX-777

The significance and power of numbers are related to numerology and the number 13 for example relates to the ancient jewish and christian mysticism, Jesus and the Twelve Apostles (13 in total) - Friday the 13th, which was the day the Knights Templars were dissolved (officially) - whom also relates to Jesus and Jerusalem. Jesus further connects to the Kabbalah and Tarot, the Tree of Life (Jesus "died" at age 33 - the Tree of Life of Kabbalah have 10 Sephiroths and one hidden and 22 paths, equals 33 - and the Tarots Major Arcana have 22 cards). Freemasonry have 33 degrees, again kabalistic and relates to the Tree of Life and basically "man becoming God" as the 32 paths of the Kabbala moves from "Man" on the physical plane to the Kingdom of God at the upper level, including the hidden Sephiroth, the number of God thus becomes 33.


The Power of the Nine is a very specific, energy-related exercise. It may be based in numerology of course, but what I'm talking about is a Freemasonry/AASR mental exercise. I'm surprised (a little) that you aren't familiar with it.

Very interesting thread nonetheless.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 04:45 PM
No, I have to admit I am not familiar with the specific exercise in question. I am not a freemason myself though thus not familiar with every aspect of it, only what I learn from friends and associates whom are masons, myself I am member of various other orders and societies. Never really found Freemasonry to be of interest or offer much compared to many other orders dealing with deeper and more esoteric occult topics.

But by all means, feel free to share more information about the exercise, and perhaps reading what it is about can give me some insights or possibly connect it in other ways that I am familiar with.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:26 PM
With the above said, I consulted with a friend of mine whom is a 32 degree mason, and he had never heard of this "power of nine" exercise either, and he is a scottish rite.

And I tried google it as well and came up with nothing. Are you sure it is not called something else, or that it is related to Scottish Rite freemasonry at all?


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
With the above said, I consulted with a friend of mine whom is a 32 degree mason, and he had never heard of this "power of nine" exercise either, and he is a scottish rite.

And I tried google it as well and came up with nothing. Are you sure it is not called something else, or that it is related to Scottish Rite freemasonry at all?


I'm not sure it's Freemasonry, and I also have never found anything written about it. The people who provided it to me were allegedly Freemasons so I just assumed. It's a weird story so I think I'll make a thread for it to see if anyone else has had an experience like mine.

Here you go: The Pure Energetic Awareness of the "Power of the Nine" Realization.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by notreallyalive]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:59 PM

Are you still answering questions? If so here are a few...

Who do you consider GOD (great architect of the Universe)?

Are you familar with the hidden hand ATS question forum that was done last year? If so do you agree with the answers given to peoples questions?

What about the RA material? Do you believe it is accurate?

You mentioned somethings would be revealed in about a month? Can you give specifics? So when they are revealed we know you are for real?

What else will happen in 2010?

AND... what is your take on 2012? Will most not survive? And if the average american joe does how different would his life be?

If you do believe in the hidden hand material can you delve deeper into the coming harvest?

Thanks in advance! I look forward to reading all of it.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Thank's Maggador!
Interesting stuff!!

Do you know about "Hidden Hand" thread and "Insider's"?
They are mostly known in this kind of topics here on ATS.
Would you care to comment?


posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Thanks, I will check out your thread.


God is the Source of All Existence, and Everything exists within the Mind of God. Nothing can exist outside of God, as then there would be something greater than God, and thus that would be God. God is all, and all is God. Everything and everyone and all that is are directly connected to eachother and to God, as all is within Gods Creation, the Mind of All. The Universe is Mental, logical and systematical because of its godly origin.

I am familiar with Hidden Hand, and some of the things he said are true, while others are false, and a lot is simply taken out from various new age, occult and esoteric books, as well as various conspiracy material , web sources, forums etc. He certainly is not telling the truth, thus I decided to not continue reading that thread.

When it comes to the RA material, I find it to be new age channeled material with a lot of lies and deceit in it, like most channeled material. I would not trust it.

For the revelations, some of them have already come to pass: Obama and the peace prize, Obama and the announced "flu emergency", and before the end of 2010 there will be more major revelations related to Obama. All is planned and prepared - however things are subject to change as the future is never set and many different forces can make things go differently than what was originally intended.

For 2012, I would say, prepare and stock up food and find safe places. Stay away from big cities and find yourself small little towns with very few people where you can be self-sufficient. Do not listen to what governments will be telling you the coming years, do not take vaccinations, and do not accept any "helping hands" - locations in higher altitudes would also be a good place to get to.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:44 PM
I may not be the most popular kid on the block, because I may not seek power so much, and I may not be interested so much in Succeeding in this world to the typical verifiable degree.....

And that is why I decided that I didn't want to be associated with the OTO anymore. I just don't see the point. I get what Heliopolis and coming from the west to the East and all that stuff means. There's your big Masonic Truth, as well. Whoopie. Now I got a target in my head which brings me nothing but misery and pain every time it shines. Oh unless I act like a pomp who knows # about #. Which I can very easily do and have done and sound impressive when doing so because yippee I have the power of being able to see correspondences.

It's all about finding your center.... and then having it eat you alive, waking up every day dead... in the midst of eternal death... knowing that this is all just smoke and mirrors, that everything dies, that nothing is permanent, and that underneath it all is a burning, paralyzing, formless void of eternal purgation....

Sorry if I am a bit emo about all of this.... and of things that should not be... but we can't all be Angels of Denial.

If there's no reason, than a reason I will be.... unless I'm not a very good reason in the first place. Then # it. Where's the shotgun?

Sorry. It's not easy, I guess you could say.... and I want to illustrate that point by mentioning to the profane that the Light is Nothing without the Darkness, and if you indeed wish to know the truth.... there are no shortcuts, no feelgood light beings to coo you into some happygolucky fairyland.

There is only you... and your thoughts on yourself. It's all you. That's all it ever was. And even you are a lie. You were always nothing. You will always be nothing. Do you wish to know Truth or Lies?

Because indeed Truth may become your worst enemy. It may paralyze you so much, that you end up deformed and retarded in a mental asylum.
Or trapped in some deja vu hell time loop, where you are never allowed to gain anything desirable, and are constantly reminded of how plastic and disgusting even the most profound looking thing is.... subtle Hell is the worst... the most insipid...

Solemn, Serious, and Awful....

Do be prepared to die, my fellow seekers of the light. Do be prepared to kill yourself. Do be prepared to suffer the most agonizing pain and hopelessness in your quest.... DO be prepared to accept insanity. DO be prepared to do the impossible, and when the impossible has been done, be prepared to do it all over again, ever repeating until the ends of time, space, and mind.... because there is no Reason. The Reason is the lie you tell yourself to continue upon your quest for infinite absurdity/novelty....

The end of knowledge is the beginning of self imposed ignorance, and the seed of a whole new universe of lies...

Make yourself a universe of your very own, if you wish. You think this universe was made with bunny froofroo new age feelgood methods?
You don't know what you ask for... and perhaps your symbols will come to haunt you... perhaps the universe you make, being merely an elaborated upon symbol itself, will come to haunt you. Perhaps the very pinnacle of achievement, success, happiness, and purity that you could ever dream of will eventually become your prison.

Perhaps you are better off a slave to ignorance.

I still haven't decided yet. I dunno what the "right path" is. There is no right path, and once we arrive at our destination, we're just gunna keep on walking.

With all my wisdom and enlightenment, I still know nothing.... and I still wonder what the #? I was hoping reality would explode a few short days after the Light hit me, but here two years later and I'm still burning.....

and all the geometry and everything is Gah-reat and whatnot, but it's a little too late to make use of all the neat little rituals and talk to all the interesting little head creatures.... because I just don't give a flying # about any of it anymore.

What if I was God of you all? Wouldn't that suck? A God who's given up on Creation? Well... perhaps... perhaps we are all Gods of us all... perhaps we must delve to the deepest hells in order to finally reach the highest heaven... and perhaps demon enchantment is just a symbol itself of something much more unnerving.

Perhaps, as Levi once stated, the true magicians need no rituals, need no enchantment of spirits nor magical spells nor trinkets.... perhaps the true magician just needs to hold on... and know that suffering is necessary, and know that there are souls out there dying daily with them... although we may never meet. At least we know we are not alone... heh well we know at least that there are other Us's out there going through similar tribulation.

Where's the shotgun is a good question until I lose my cool and go find it.

Wahat say you, OP, of trials and tribulations?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Thank you for your Reply. I just want to say I believe in Jesus Christ and was trying to see if you were like the hidden hand guy where he believes he is part of the Lucifer Group Soul Complex. Which is very scary to me. I want to know if the Obama Revelations before the end of 2009 is the disclosure of the E.T. Presence. Are E.T.'s Fallen Angels? Part of Lucifer's Endgame deception the one that in the bible it states even the elect would be deceived?... ALSO I live in Long Island the Suburb of NYC... I have a baby boy on the way with my wife and I am VERY scared of living here during 2012. I am presuming Long Island will not be a safe area. My last question is.... when would be a good time to relocate? And can you please elaborate more on what you know is going to happen? What do you mean by do not accept any "helping hands" ??? Can you be more specific? Is this like people claiming they can provide help and transportation to that place??? And what will the government and higher ups be telling us which I will not beleive... I would just like to know more specifics on what is going to hapen and what is the truth... Please... I look forward to your answers! Thank you in advance!

ALSO will there be some dimensional shift? where the veil between this reality and the spirit world comes down??? is it an evolutionary jump?...

[edit on 2-11-2009 by Fantazams]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Fantazams

A Christian who misunderstands Lucifer....

How ironic.

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