posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 10:49 PM
I've seen a lot of posts about being abducted or contacted. Some seem reasonably far fetched or absurd. I'm not so sure I've had an abduction or
experience. I have a very good feeling that a lot of so called abductions are sleep paralysis.
It is absolutely terrifying to wake up and not be able to move, sometimes not be able to see or comprehend what is going on then snap back to it.
I've had several episodes of sleep paralysis. After reading about the neurological behavior of this condition I became more comfortable.
I suffered a second episode in the course of two weeks. This time I was able to convince myself that it was simply a case of rapid eye movement
playing catch up to my brain. All was well. I got up without fear.
I infrequently have episodes of sleep paralysis. I don't like it but it happens. The next scenario is not quite explainable.
It felt like a dream but was all too real. I had feeling of a pulse of energy be it magnetic or light...I have no idea what it was. My brain felt
pierced, the entire body and every neuron in my body felt as if it was being lifted. There was no color, sight or sound. It was a physic phenomena. I
felt terrified beyond belief. Let me make clear that there was nothing but black. I was asleep at the time, or was I asleep?
I am not a religious person. I hate church. I resent the bible and its hopeless manipulation of science for personal wealth. I in a state of absolute
fear and panic said in my conscious mind "Jesus help me" I did not say it out loud but in my head.
The energy wave and feeling of being sucked into some sort of dimension subsided. I was still terrified. This feeling to me was not familiar like
sleep paralysis. So what do you crazy folks make of this experience?
Do you think I had another horrible surprise episode of sleep paralysis? An interesting side note...The day his horrible event happened was the day of
the 9/11 terror attacks. I felt very little empathy or raw emotional response when I saw the towers go down.
I find the day of the incident interesting. I have no idea what to make of it. I found it very disturbing that the day of the attack I felt no
emotional response. I knew that day was going to be a fabrication of a big lie.