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Evidence of Mercury, H1N1 Virus in this Year's Flu Vaccine

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posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:52 PM

Evidence of Mercury, H1N1 Virus in this Year's Flu Vaccine

“Thimerosal is a very effective preservative that has been used since the 1930s to prevent contamination in some multi-dose vials of vaccines,” according to the Centers for Disease Control.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 23-9-2009 by CanadianDream420]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:52 PM

“In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later,” writes Dawn Prate for Natural News. “Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.”

So there you have it.

Is this a large dose?
Could it be lethal?

(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 23-9-2009 by CanadianDream420]

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 05:56 PM
It's only in the multi dose vials.

Most doctors do not stock the multi does containers. SO if you want to get your flu shot, ask if it's a single dose or from a multi dose vial.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 06:08 PM
I want to confirm what Wild Bob said. And though it is not banned in the US, it is not used in children vaccines as it used to be. In fact, children rarely get it but most adults do.

posted on Sep, 23 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Thimerosal was removed from most children's vaccinations a few years back. The *only* vaccination that is allowed to have the preservative is the flu vaccination. Every year I asked for the single dose shot and every year my kids' pediatrician argued with me. Even the single dose has thimerosal, but it's added to the vaccine at a very early stage of production, so the amount is minimal.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 01:28 AM
Aww c'mon its only Thimerosal!

There was only some work indicating (not conclusively mind you) that it helped cause this really cool brain development disorder called autism.

Could you imagine! You could count cards like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man! You could find needles in a Haystack no problem! Never mind the fact you'll become inept in social situations. Naw, you'll probably only catch the not so cool version of Asperger's and still be able to get around in your day to day.

On a serious note, never mind the fact that Pharma skipped several testing stages to get this product out. They now want to put a controversial preservative into the vaccines? Oh government, which lows will you stoop down to next?



posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 12:50 PM
Thimerosal is not my biggest worry. My kiddo already has autism -- but it's genetic.
The CDC doesn't seem to understand that parents will never trust their findings on thimerosal since pharma funds most studies and CDC scientists tend to go on to big buck jobs in pharma after the CDC. Cant get the $ if you've ticked them off!

My worry is the adjuvant squalene. An adjuvant hypes up your immune system so that less actual virus is needed for a vaccination. Squalene is not approved for use in the US, but has been used in some military vaccinations including the anthrax vaccine. There is pretty good indication that squalene, and oil based adjuvant, is complicit in Gulf War Syndrome.

I've seen some news reports (that I'm looking for now) that squalene has been ordered by the US to add to the H1N1 vaccination if production is lower than expected -- which it is so far. My spouse worked in Iraq in 2004 and received one of the last of the anthrax with squalene vaccinations. He was perfectly healthy and now has Crohn's an autoimmune disorder of the digestive system.

posted on Sep, 24 2009 @ 12:56 PM
They are now linking mercury with triggering autoimmune diseases. If you have anyone in your family with an autoimmune disease then it's possible it could be triggered if getting that mercury in your blood.

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