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Forced H1N1 Vaccination is Terrorist Act of WAR

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posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by HulaAnglers

Thank you for that article. Very interesting. Hmm, I will look further into that one. I wonder why that didn't make it into the MSM, lol. Just kidding.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Titus7

"Alright, fine, fair enough. Doesn't really answer the rest of my question, but it's nice to know you skinny dipped in a raging torrent.
What's the story behind gettin' beat up? "

I will send U2U, I don't want to go off-topic within the thread.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by SoLittleTimeToRead

Cool it, lady. I SAID I do not know much of a thing on the topic. Holy crap.
I wasn't dismissing a thing or judging a thing. I wasn't saying it like "You're crazy." or anything like that.

Then again, it is usual for a woman to get defensive about anything and everything. e_e

Anybody know what the usual rate for extreme cases such as this ladies are?

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Titus7
reply to post by SoLittleTimeToRead

Cool it, lady. I SAID I do not know much of a thing on the topic. Holy crap.
I wasn't dismissing a thing or judging a thing. I wasn't saying it like "You're crazy." or anything like that.

Then again, it is usual for a woman to get defensive about anything and everything. e_e

Anybody know what the usual rate for extreme cases such as this ladies are?

Sorry if I took this thread off-topic, but I think it is important to know what the risks are from these vaccines, and you allowed me to contribute to that by asking your question.

As for cooling it, lol, you have to remember, you asked me.

As for me getting defensive, lol, I really don't see the point of being offensive like some other people here apparently, so defensive I am and probably will stay.

Your last question has me at a loss. Are you referring to my level of defensiveness at the moment? Or are you referring to the prevalence of cases of autism?

Would it have satisfied your curiosity if I had just said, "Cus I just know!" I doubt it.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by SoLittleTimeToRead

Originally posted by Titus7
reply to post by SoLittleTimeToRead

Cool it, lady. I SAID I do not know much of a thing on the topic. Holy crap.
I wasn't dismissing a thing or judging a thing. I wasn't saying it like "You're crazy." or anything like that.

Then again, it is usual for a woman to get defensive about anything and everything. e_e

Anybody know what the usual rate for extreme cases such as this ladies are?

Sorry if I took this thread off-topic, but I think it is important to know what the risks are from these vaccines, and you allowed me to contribute to that by asking your question.

As for cooling it, lol, you have to remember, you asked me.

As for me getting defensive, lol, I really don't see the point of being offensive like some other people here apparently, so defensive I am and probably will stay.

Your last question has me at a loss. Are you referring to my level of defensiveness at the moment? Or are you referring to the prevalence of cases of autism?

Would it have satisfied your curiosity if I had just said, "Cus I just know!" I doubt it.

I meant how many cases are there where Autism was brought on by childhood vaccination...

And defensive is specific. I asked a question, you responded defensively as though reading something more into the question.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:04 AM
You guys are incredibly ignorant.
You should send the vaccines you throw away to us:

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by forlorn23

Why don't you use the infected samples Baxter sent to other countries?

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 08:27 AM

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Titus7

The official numbers vary, depending on what diagnoses are actually included in the spectrum. The spectrum includes (so far) Asperger's, ADD, ADHD, Rett Syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, PDD, PDD-NOS, and Savants. My last count nationally, was 2.5 million children have at least one of these disorders here in the US. The count also varies from country to country, and which organization you pull the numbers from, since the criteria for them changes with the wind. And many cases go along without being diagnosed, so there would be many more people who have received damage from vaccines and are not counted.

The numbers from last year were 1 in 150 children. And many organizations are still reporting that number. My doctor quoted me earlier this year a number of 1 in 77. And the last number I saw from any publication was 1 in 64 for this year, so the number is increasing along with the risk.

Some places are still riding on some old numbers. Like this one from the US Dept of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Adminstration from 1999, where they say that only 1 out of 10,000 have autism. This one from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke is still using last year's early numbers of 1 in 166. If you ask me, stats like this are not updated with the new figures so they can "prove" that autism is not that common and not much of a risk, especially from organizations which receive federal funding.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by HulaAnglers
I have just found this this for real?

US judge rules against compulsory vaccinations

A Preliminary Injunction to stop mandatory vaccinations has been issued in the United States District Court of New Jersey. This comes after a federal lawsuit opposing forced vaccines was filed in that court by Tim Vawter, pro se attorney, on July 31st with the federal government as defendant.

What became of this? You can read this article here

The Court, having heard the Motion for Preliminary Injunction and read the papers in its support, states in the Preliminary Injunction that it appears the federal government has engaged in some amount of negligence with regards to failure to properly investigate the safety of the flu vaccines scheduled for use in late 2009-2010, and the evidence submitted does warrant a more thorough investigation into the safety of the flu vaccines. The Court ordered that the government shall be forbidden from forcing any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice. The government will not allow any state or local government, or any party, to force any person to be required to take any influenza vaccination against that person’s free will and free choice.

Found something that declared this to be a hoax! Too bad

I was watching this though on topic CNN, Lou Dobbs "Forced Vaccination" 09-29-09

[edit on 4-10-2009 by HulaAnglers]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by HulaAnglers

Damn that is a shame, oh well I did think that was too good to be true.


posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by tempest501

How is it a good thing? Are you a war-monger? There was never a need for large-scale mandatory vaccination and there's not going to be one. The OP just wants to believe it to justify his tyrannical view on the world (factor of his upbringing, choices in life etc).
Anyway, hopefully this thread is closed soon and the OP loses ATS points for this unfounded and unproven fanatical view on the H1N1 vaccination.

There's a thread by an Australian providing a much more believable, pragmatic view:

Well, it's now day 3 of the swine flu vaccine availability here in Australia.
And so far ... zip, zero, zilch has been happening with regards to the "forced vaccination" conspiracy that's been running rampant here on ATS for the past few months.

In fact, media attention regarding the availability has been so low-key that it's almost non-existant with just an initial report a few days ago that the vaccine was now available.

Life apparently goes on as normal ... no military law ... no forced vaccinations ... no infringement of civil liberties ... no fines ... no imprisonment ... no detention ... no camps ... no body bags ... no mass burials ... NO NOTHING.

Basically, the entire "forced vaccination" conspiracy scenario is nothing more than hysteria generated and promulgated by certain ATS members who deep down in the psyche WANT some kind of global catastrophe to occur, who for whatever personal reason WANT society to breakdown and collapse and who are simply NOT happy or content with the world they currently live in. Perhaps the world is simply to mundane, boring and unexciting from their point of view and something like "forced vaccinations" with the premise of worldwide government collusion and population control/reduction makes for a more interesting scenario.
To see that this is true, just count up the many varied ways that ATS members have managed to fantasize one conspiracy after another ... after another ... and yet, NOT ONE SINGLE CONSPIRACY HAS COME TRUE ...

And the latest non-starter and failed conspiracy ?

Just NOT going to happen .... EVER ... and not a single one of you can produce any proof or evidence that it ever will.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by forlorn23

By the way, just to clarify. I lost points and had my post masked by an ATS admin because I was offended by the OP's apathy towards the deaths of many Australians who hadn't received the H1N1 flu vaccination. Sure I may have used an offensive word but it was warranted.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 02:57 AM
There seems to be a naive impression among supporters of forced vaccination that the field of medicine is an exact science and therefore if some official body within that field declares that any given vaccination will save lives and be a good thing then that belief carries with it the same degree of certainty as a physicist explaining a law of physics.

Unfortunately medicine is at best a very inexact science with a whole jumbled mix of variables from genetics, the environment, psychology and all of the bodies neurophysiological systems, each massively complex and having a etiological influence on the well being not of just the patient but as is particularly relevant here, public health.

While public health officials may claim that they know vaccinations, forced or otherwise, will reduce an individuals chance for getting the disease they are getting vaccinated for, making claims and justifying the claims as true is another thing. Most public officials seem to rely most heavily on the argument from authority to support their position and not provide many arguments in support of their case. Unfortunately the public tends to give the argument from authority much more credence then it deserves and as a result treats the health officials statement like an empirical fact.

If medicine was such a certain science then we never would have had to endure the mistakes of medicine in the past such as the fen-phen fiasco, the vioxx debacle, and most importantly here, the 1976 swine flu vaccinations that were stopped due to the high incidences of Guillain-Barré syndrome (this fiasco cost the then director of the CDC his job; I guess he didn't know so much either about what was best for the people in terms of vaccination).

As a health care worker myself I would never want to transmit the common cold much less the flu to any patients, but I am very confident given my knowledge about herbs and vitamins that I can keep myself from developing the swine flu or seasonal flu. But if this vaccination were to become mandatory in my state then I would be up against an impersonal situation where the government would be taking a big brother knows best approach not caring about my reasoning or arguments against the vaccine. Instead I would be forced to play Russian roulette with a vaccine not knowing if my jab was "loaded with the Guillain-Barré bullet" or not. And in a future scenario of forced vaccinations, it would be small solace to me, while lying paralyzed with Guillain-Barré syndrome caused by the vaccine, I hear that the director or some official quits in shame because like the 1976 case they basically said "oops, I guess this vaccine causes a high incidence of the syndrome and this swine flu is not nearly as dangerous as we first thought."

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Here are some contacts for Merck. Send them a message.....

Richard Clark, President/CEO/Chairman, [email protected]
Bruce Kuhlik, EVP, [email protected]
Peter Kim, EVP/President Merck Research Laboratories. [email protected]
Chris Scalet, EVP Global Services/CIO, [email protected]
Mirian Graddick-Weir, EVP HR, [email protected]
Willie Deese, President Manufacturing Division, [email protected]

posted on Oct, 19 2009 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by alien

The UK government said that mandatory vaccination was not going to be introduced in the UK. However in this weeks Mail on Sunday newspaper there is an article which states that the government are thinking of adding the swineflu vaccine to others which they give to young children. They intend to give the vaccines at the same time. Of course if a child becomes ill it will be hard to say which of the vaccines caused the illness.

It seems strange to include it with other vaccines to young kids when you consider that so far it is still relatively mild. Unless of course they believe parents are more likely to accept the vaccine if it is part of a package.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Revealation

Originally posted by Nightflyer28

Oh, sure.

You try to keep my wife out of the mall, no big deal. Hell, I'd probably help you just to avoid a 2-hour walk through the mall that ends in a single purchase of socks.

Try to keep her from getting into the hospital, and you're likkely to wind up a patient in said hospital.

reply to post by Nightflyer28

But I will point out Your HYPOCRICY and IGNORANCE

In the statement above you are condeming someone's idea of protesting this violation of their pesonal freedoms by blocking hospital entrances.

Then in the very next post you talk about sending someone in to murder as many as possible.

Originally posted by Nightflyer28

I would make a point of finding the most vicious, vindictive, bloodthirsty 800-lb gorilla-type bastard who ever passed the bar - you know, the sort who goes for the throat like a starving guard dog - point him at the hospital in general and the doctor/nurse in particular, and tell him to leave as many bodies in his wake as possible.

Heh.... maybe you missed it. Read this bit again: the most vicious, vindictive, bloodthirsty 800-lb gorilla-type bastard who ever passed the bar.

You know, that thing lawyers take to become lawyers?

In other words, the mother of all malpractice suits. In other words, "bodies in his wake" was a metaphorical comment, not an actual "Go in there and kill everyone" thing.

You might try reading the whole thing next time. Prevents the appearance of stupidity.

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