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US Nuked Tomorrow? Why is no one talking about this?

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Help me out:

I read on here some time back that there was confirmation from "Sources" that the US would be hit with a false flag nuke attack on the east coast on 9/22/09. Why is no one talking about this? I figured we would have at least 5 - 6 posts about the topic and the ways it will happen, or where it will happen.

After some recent searching I discovered there is no buzz about it. So let’s discuss it!! I mean they recently grabbed suspected terrorists in my city of Denver which led me to believe that they were getting ready to expose a second false flag attack.

I also heard someone mention that every 8 years is a tragic attack on America and we are due for one soon. Some seem to think it will be in October or November, but after they come and go it will be spring 2010 or something.

So my question: What will you do if there really is a FF attack on the US? Will you run to ATS to type furiously? Or will you batten down your hatches and hole up for a while?

I know things are looking grim (H1N1, Healthcare, Quarantines, Martial Law, and everything else in between) but are the signs there for a 9/22/09 attack?

If you look at the date 9/22/2009, the 3 (2)s in the middle of the date added together equal 6, which is 9 upside down. So it could be looked at as 999 (3 nines). 9 is 3x3 which is the Holy Trinity number to Masons and Illuminati. So could it be that tomorrow is the date? We have some numbers that might suggest it is. I'm just wondering why the site is not blown up about it?

Any thoughts?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:56 PM
If a false flag attack was in the works it under all circumstances would not have been leaked to the public, or ATS for that matter.. I wouldn't be to concerned but then again we may be in for one just not tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Can someone find links on it please? that would be great to add in discussion! thanks

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:20 PM
Pre-dated doom never happens. Don't worry.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:20 PM
Here's the thread that discusses the 9/22 nuke in Chicago deal...

Please join the discussion there.


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