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Home Health Care Workers in New York Required to Get Vaccinated

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Home Health Care Workers in New York Required to Get Vaccinated

On today’s show, Alex called for hospital workers and others associated with the health care industry to come forward and provide documentation on corporations demanding that employees receive the toxic seasonal flu vaccination or lose their jobs.
featured stories Home Health Care Workers in New York Required to Get Vaccinated

Many of you have responded. We are in the process of looking over your documentation and will post this information on Infowars and Prison Planet in the coming days. ...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:59 PM
I've seen some swine flu threads here and there, so if this specific subject is already being talked about or this belongs in a different forum, please move/close and redirect.

I've seen a lot of people who call me crazy when I bring this up, because they ask "where's the proof?" Now, we have the proof. As stated in the article, what's to stop it from spreading from those specific jobs in New York to every job in the United States? Imagine your child trying to get his first job at McDonald's only to find out WHOOPS! He doesn't have the swine flu shot.

Although that sounds ridiculous, it's hard to tell what will eventually happen.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 9/21/2009 by SonicInfinity]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:41 PM
I wonder if the forced plan of vaccination among health care workers is part of a multiple-pronged attack on human population numbers- not only will the invulnerable die- those who care for them will also die, greatly accelerating the death toll as the future ill and infirm find no one to care for them,

not to mention the countless young who will be killed or sickened, even sterilized, by the various concoctions that make up the (likely various) forms of vaccines that will be administered, and thus there will be even fewer to take care of the middle age people of today in the future.

The death toll accelerates further as a consequence.

There's an estimate that 3 billion people worldwide will get the Swine flu vaccine. Who knows how much of these 'vaccinated' will die or be left unable to procreate.

This fits in nicely with the target of about 500 million remaining human beings on Earth at some point in the future (Georgia Guidestones)

[edit on 21-9-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:45 PM
This is from AJ, it’s a hoax. If AJ didn’t talk about these types of issues, no one would pay to hear his show, or buy his merch....THINK PEOPLE!

In reality, do you really think they are going to force people to take this vaccine? I mean, until you see them coming, and this forced vaccination is a go, are most people here just worrying them selves to death?

Preparing for the unknown and having a solid plan and a BOB is a great thing...though, until someone is coming down the street wanting to stab you with a vaccine, why worry about it? Is living in fear so much fun?’’

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Thumb

Did you even read the article? The picture of the form posted can be verified. If you don't believe it, you can call them up and prove Alex Jones wrong.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Thumb

In reality, do you really think they are going to force people to take this vaccine? I mean, until you see them coming, and this forced vaccination is a go, are most people here just worrying them selves to death?


They are forcing people into taking the vaccine. There are countless articles about New York. Tonight, here in Florida, it was on the local news how the hospitals are telling employees to either get the vaccine or be forced to wear surgical masks or be terminated.

Quick search lead me to this article:

At Nemours, all associates are being asked to either wear masks or get vaccinated during flu season.

This is very real and is only beginning. Yes they are forcing vaccinations.

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