posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:45 PM
I have been dating my girlfriend for 5 almost 6 months. She is very clingy and needy but so am i.
I recently met a girl whom i have really strong feelings for and she has feelings for me. She is a foreign exchange from Russia and is basically stuck
living with her boyfriend, and i live with my parents.
Now, my girlfriend i feel is neglected by her mother. she doesnt drive, and i feel she is very depressed. She hasnt been to the gyno in about 3 years
and her mother puts her other daughters dental needs before anything.
My girlfriends bedroom is a mess. and i mean mess, its disgusting. you cant walk in it. I tried to help her clean it once but it was just too much.
Sooo, i have this girlfriend who i care A LOT about, but has no ambition. I actually got her to start working, which she hates by the way, but at
least shes making some money. I want to help but i know from experience you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.
Now this other girl, she is very ambitious, She is a hard worker, but is having a hard time putting herself through school as i live on long island
and it is very expensive to live here. She lives with her boyfriend, who i feel was a last stitch effort for a place to stay as she really doesnt have
anywhere to go. We both have admitted to having feelings for eachother.
I broke up with my girlfriend one night without any explanation. I felt sick and terrible, so when she called me the next day crying i ran back to her
the same day.
So now i have a girl who i really like, i feel is good for me, and a girlfriend who is not so good for me, but i care about almost more than life. At
this point i really dont know what to do. The Russian girl has considered moving out of her boyfriends to get a place of her own, and forget about
I feel like im in the middle of a horror movie and i cant escape. I dont know what to do. Can any wise soul give me some advice?