posted on May, 17 2004 @ 08:47 AM
Opiate blockers are nothing new under the sun. Any shrink can prescribe them, but they are dangerous as hell for the typical junkie.
Most are given IN REHAB under a doctor's supervision with access to immediate emergency treatment, then continued as a form of preventative
I don't know about this one, but the claim that it eliminates WITHDRAWL symptoms is highly suspect. The only thing that eradicates the feeling of the
opiates being ripped from your receptors and the impending prolonged anguish is ANOTHER replacement feel-good chemical... like methadone.
I'm not saying methadone is the answer, as you're right it's just another addiction. But IF this new drug is both an opiate blocker AND eliminates
withdrawl...then by definition it's ADDICTIVE.
At some point, withdrawl is a necessary component of getting clean. It can't be avoided. Stroke, heart attacks, dehydration and renal failure are
COMMON occurances for those trying to do it alone.
I hope such a miracle drug comes along, but like I said...the claims of this one are suspect.
If anyone really wanted to stop drug problems, then we'd put opiate blockers in small amounts of water like flouride. There's a similar
coc aine blocker we could do the same with. Within a generation none of the drugs would even work any more.
Just a utopian dream of mine, but it's possible assuming the government were ever willing to give up it's highly profitable war on drugs/us.