posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 11:52 PM
So, I stop by Bad Astronomy today to see what Mr. Plait has up on his site.
And what's at the top?
One Backwards Leap for Texas
Now, I know that Neil Armstrong and the moon landing is something of a controversial subject on ATS.
But further checking into it reveals that there is also a bid to "reduce focus" on people like Heugo Chavez, Martin Luther King Junior, and Rosa
To be honest with you, if this was another country, except for the exclusion of Neil Armstrong, I could understand it.
These folks were major in American social history, something that's not as important if your living in Canada, Europe, or South America.
But America?
I'm more ambivalent to the education system than my friends. Yes, I feel it needs to be over hauled, but at the same time I don't usually feel that
the limited things you're taught in school is problem. School helped introduce me to many of my favorite topics and hobbies, which I pursued outside
of school.
Part of that lead me to ATS.
But... I also feel somethings are important to education, in order to get the ball rolling.
Now sure, these are just proposals... but how can this be proposed?