posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:02 PM
What is the real deal here? Why is it that when there is debate going on about the issues facing this country, we have you people interrupting? I mean
there is a discussion going on about healthcare, there are differences yet we have you people breaking in telling us to "stop playing into the
right left conspiracy". What are you talking about? You mean if people have defined differences we are playing into some conspiracy? When we have
strong opinions and differences with fellow ATSer we are only playing into division? Where did this attitude come from that differences in beliefs are
a danger to this country? We are united under our differences. Our differences set us apart from our former communist enemies, the axis nations of
world war 2. This notion that everybody should "united under the same belief and not complain anymore" is a highly flawed concept. I
would like to ask these NWO-anti left vs right proponents" how is it that your fighting against the "same side of the coin" when you advocate
the very same thing?
I mean, I'll agree here one thing. For over a century now we have had only two parties to have govern the path of this nation. I agree that the
people need to recognize that there are alternatives to just the "R" and the "D" at the polling stations. What I dont agree on is this
notion that we should all vote in one third party to fix everything. Why? Well isnt it obvious? Anybody, and I have noticed one significant thing
here, who has advocated everybody to vote for one third party obviously has their own political and ideological bias. Im pritty sure the
NWO-proponents here picture a "conservative third party" that everybody should supposedly turn their backs to the two major parties and vote for to
"unite the country" when they are themselves blatantly applying hypocritical stances to what they supposedly oppose.
So say we were to, as a majority, vote a third party, and it turned out to be the american "socialist liberation" third party, would the
Paulers and the NWOers cut their bickering over the "same side-vote third party" cry?
If we were to all stop fighting, and magically agree on the public option, would the NWOers cut their bickering?
To both of the above I'd say no. Because the bickering regarding the right-left debate as a whole has nothing to do with "the powers to be"
and everything to do with personal ideological biasness.
If nobody debated on the basis of their own personal ideological beliefs, right leaning and left leaning, and everybody followed the conservative
ideology like sheep, would this solve the two party system issue? By satisfying your own personal ideological bias? If everybody was the same would
this solve the mainstream media issue? Tell me, what alternatives are their to debating issues of politics that are not influences some way or another
by right and left wing leanings? Can anybody tell me an ideological stance that is alternative to left wing or right wing?
I hope there are others on here that are just as sick of this "same coin" BS that continues to infect reasonable debate and differences on this
forum as I am. Because I dont see people concerned with "whats what on what coin". I see people who are only out to promote their third party, their
own ideological stances. Individuals who conveniently hide this fact under the disguise of "NWO" conspirators.
[edit on 20-9-2009 by Southern Guardian]