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The Sneak Attack Against Roe V. Wade

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posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

What we truly need to to entirely restructure society and form a world where the American dream doesn't require 2 kids. As a society we're so sexually immature that abortion seems necessary to us now but if we would actually learn to take responsibility for the actions we take and the offspring we make maybe we wouldn't have use for it in all but extreme medial circumstances...

Yes responsibility is important. A lot less abortions would take place if people were more responsible for their own actions. But in the event that responsibility takes a back seat to passion or perhaps failure of protective measures results in an unwanted baby on the way, why should we as a society force onto another the demand that they deliver that child into the world?

Adoption is another method for unwanted children. But there is also the argument about children that it is found are going to be disadvantaged mentally or physically. Instead of forcing these women to bring to term a child that will never be able to live on their own why not have the option of abortion.

I am not advocating forced abortions for anyone. But realistically, with well over 6 billion people on this pathetic speck of dust in the universe, we certainly aren't an endangered species by a long shot. Selective breeding methods should be in place to help women decide when they want to be mothers.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Yes I agree the hand full of cells is alive and is going to be a human. But I for one am not of the opinion that it is a sentient being at that point.

Going to be? It IS human. What is it if it's not? A grapefruit?

How sentient is a person in a coma?

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Self awareness. That is when a being is truly alive. When it knows it's alive. If it doesn't know it's alive then it isn't

I think, therefore I am.

Does this mean we may exterminate coma victims? How about sleeping people? The profoundly retarded? How aware should we be? What about bubble headed bleach blonds? Or maybe people that don't agree with you politically...they're just not aware enough, right? Where do we draw the line?

I draw the line at mere existence.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
My entire stance in my life as a whole is absolute Liberty governed by simple Common Law. In a nut shell, as long as I don't hurt You, and You don't hurt me, then all is good.

Except, you're hurting a living human.

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
I do believe in pro choice, rather than forced decisions.

Except for the human who is exterminated. That's pretty much a forced decision foisted upon them. And without due process. Abortion has nothing to do with liberty. It's a holocaust in the womb. A violent revoking of life perpetrated by a bloody and greedy abortion industry that abuses women and murders unborn babies.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Praetorian Guard

Does this mean we may exterminate coma victims?

I feel that if someone is in a coma, or permanent vegetative state they should for their own good be put to rest. Of course that would be in accordance to a living will. If they had one that stated that for no reason whatsoever the plug should be pulled then their wishes should be respected.

How about sleeping people?

That's just silly.

The profoundly retarded?

Again, that is just silly

How aware should we be?

I am talking about being sentient. Self aware and able to give some indication of that awareness.

What about bubble headed bleach blonds?

Unfortunately even though they are dumb, the "bubble headed bleach blond" gets to live because they can show they are self aware.

Or maybe people that don't agree with you politically...they're just not aware enough, right?

In a perfect world.

Where do we draw the line?

Personal choice. That is the line. I don't advocate forced abortions for anyone. I do advocate the personal choice of the mother.

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