posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 02:26 PM
I got this bit of information on the topic from, I looked on wiki but they gave me a poor one paragraph. =)
Lightworker (now-n);Any being dedicated to the cultivation of inner presence and the elevation of awareness in self and other selves. This being is
called a lightworker and is an evolutionary step toward a state of "LightBeing"
What's happening in the world?
There is an awakening happening all around the world. And that awakening involves you and every being that exists on our lovely home planet, mother
earth. We are truly entering a renaissance of spiritual evolution, an evolutionary process that proceeds and transcends the physical. Our wisdom stems
from coming to understand how little we conceptually know about life, god, the universe and everything, and embracing the fundamental truth of
inherent divinity within all life.
What is a Lightworker?
Everyone is a Lightworker whether they know it at all. Just as truth is truth whether anyone knows it or not. The real question arises then, "Am I
aware of who I am?" Behind all labels, behind all self created illusions of mind and ego, or social dogmas and masks, there lies the truth, the
answer to that question. Just as the Sun shines bright both day and night, it is only the movement of the planet and clouds that obscure it from view.
But the sun is always shining. A Lightworker is awake to this truth, aware of their true presence and living in accordance with the divine plan. All
beings that exist are a channel between eternal, formless heaven and the temporary world of form and illusion, earth. Why am I here? One does not
always need to consciously realize the answer to this question, but living your life purpose is achievable in every moment, right now. Sit in peaceful
contemplation, in pure awareness. Allow yourself to be present in every moment and feel within the depths of your heart for your inner truth, your
guidance. The work is easy and the burden is light. Your true essence of being is so vast, it is beyond any concept, any word, thought or form. A
Lightworker then is any being, who is aware of their true non-dual nature, their eternal "I Am" Presence and acting in accordance with it. A
Lightworker is active in enlightenment, or in cultivating enlightenment.
What is Lightworking?
Just as the sun rises each morning, to shine its light into the world, so it is with lightworking. To walk upon the face of the planet lightly, light
in spirit and bearing, and shine love, happiness, tranquillity and peace into the world. To calm the inner turmoil, to just be, and be at one with who
you truly are, to love and honour life as an expression of divinity, to love all that is, that power some call god, and of course to love one and
other unconditionally. In being true to the divine presense within all beings, and releasing all false thought forms, all masks and illusions, is the
essence of lightworking. In this lightworking emanates love, happiness, joy, faith, hope and inspiration into the inner and outer world. This not only
helps to awaken the lightworker, but also to awaken others to their own natural state. What can be called enlightenment, what may be called ascension.
A Lightworkers divine mission then comes to life, as one enters the flow of creation and maintains the presence of awareness without being caught up
in the turmoil of the creation. This is done in the service of all. For all beings (self included), all the time.
What does a Lightworker do?
All life exists for a sacred purpose. A Lightworker, that is a being, aware of their true presence, their inner awareness and non-dual nature then
becomes a vehicle for divine activation. This role is a very simple and a natural one. When the illusionary self is dissolved into the true sense of
being, the IAM presence, a being begins to shine and resonate this mandala field of pure state bliss. The transition starts from Lightworker to Light
Being. This activation can occur anywhere, in any situation, in all places, roles and demographics, from the mother at home to the soldier in the
military, even in the depths of the darkest regions of human nature this blossoming occurs. It can be slow, or instant. It has been this way for
eternity. For all the people, all the time. All for one and one for all. This is the effortless state of being, devoid of all grasping, all seeking.
This is existence under a blue sky, and bright sunshine, exposing all to the life giving energies of our divine source.
What is the Light Energy?
Light Energy has many names. Some names include, the oriental Chi, Yin and Yang, the Indian Prana, and the Greek Aether. The light Energy pervades
all. It encompasses all things. It is of the source, but not the source. It is the flow itself. It is the essence of all things. The primordial
essence of spirit before it manifest into form. It is from where all things emanate, and all things return. It is the stuff of stars and the stuff of
souls. We see it, and experience it in this material world as both form/matter and energy vibration. We experience it as thought and emotions. All
these things are waves on the primordial ocean, resonating in various frequencies. All energy is frequency, and all frequency is harmony. Everything
before you now is connected through frequency. The sounds you hear.. Do Re MI Fa So La Ti DO.. to the light you see.. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,
Blue, Magenta, Violet, RED, winding its way up through the frequencies. Even the course elements of matter are connected to this harmony
H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N. Each is the same, just operating on a different frequency, at a different harmonic. All is Light.. All is Energy. And its master is
divine consciousness. We are constantly, directing spirit into form, thought, actions and endeavours. The question arises. "From what level of
consciousness to I create?" This will determine the results and experiences of life. Each being, operates in various levels of consciousness. Yet
when creation emanates from the source itself, free from resistance and obstruction, divine will manifests. Heaven is made manifest on earth. The
cards are stacked for growth and learning. We will be guided by angels or pushed by demons.
Where do I start?
Being a Lightworker is both very easy and very hard. How hard is it to be the real you? Are you prepared to let go of everything? Think of who you
will be when all form and material life is gone. That is the real you.
Part 2 next