posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:14 PM
Before I introduce myself I'm going to explain my username.
For science fiction literature fans you may recognize the 'Drac' as the reptilian alien race from Barry Longyears 'The Enemy Papers.' The popular
manifestation of this being the 1985 film 'Enemy Mine' starring Dennis Quaid. Not only is this my all time favorite film since I was 2 years old,
but it happens to have one of the strongest and simplest messages - No matter how different two worlds may be, they will not prevail if they oppose
It's a great film for those who haven't seen it. Anyway, my name is Lee. I'm from New Jersey. Glad to meet you all. I've been lurking around here
without posting for a little while but I decided to sign up and start communicating with the 30 something thousand people who are on here because
after all, knowledge is contagious. I know that's cliche but it's very true.
As for where I stand, my interests gear towards extra terrestrial life and philosophy, inter-dimensional and out-of-body travel, psychedelics and
conciousness. Although lately I've been exposed to a ton of information regarding NWO related affairs.
As you all know, it is extremely important to educate yourself on the faults of the world we live in. But what some people miss out on is that it's
even more important to 1) acknowledge innovative solutions for these problems and 2) pave the way to that solution safely, effectively, and most
importantly - QUICKLY. I feel everyday that time is ticking. It's one thing to talk about the problems. But I think it's much more important to find
ways to reach peace and harmony no matter how extreme the issues present themselves.
Anyway, good to be here. Talk to me. What's happening!?