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Saddam's Got A Crashed UFO

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posted on Feb, 16 2003 @ 09:37 PM
See that, it not oil after all. He's got a new toy and we want it :-) No wonder he's telling his scientists "talk and Die"

Click Here To Read Story

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 02:59 AM
I don't know how you found this story, but it's a good one.

" Saddam gave the aliens sanctuary, so that they couldn�t be captured by Americans. Nobody can reach the citadel Qalaat-e-Julundi at night. They say that the aliens created �watchdogs� for Saddam. The aliens took ordinary desert scorpions and used their bio-engineering to grow the scorpions to giant size. Scorpions of a cow-size! �

But it's comming from the Pravda, so.....

[Edited on 17-2-2003 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 10:35 AM
Very bizarre story, but who says aliens discriminate against possible captors? I suppose a crashed UFO offers equal opportunities to whomever may find it.

Giant scorpions, very interesting � not sure I believe that but�. It might tie into Biblical prophecy about the giant scorpions that sting many people.

Food for thought or laughter,

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 11:52 AM
That prophecy could also relate to weapons systems, not the actual scorpion.

posted on Feb, 17 2003 @ 12:03 PM
Interesting story!

Don't know how much is true but it would be good if some was..

He could be testing bio weapons and new tech down their who knows.
Giant Scorpians

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 08:49 AM
The story said that CNN caught the UFO on camera. Is it possible to find that clip anywhere online?

posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 08:37 AM
The aliens took ordinary desert scorpions and used their bio-engineering to grow the scorpions to giant size. Scorpions of a cow-size! They are wonderful watchdogs: they blend in with the desert, swiftly and silently move on their warm-blooded prey for a decisive attack. Luckless intruders hear just some strange sound from behind stones, then a pincer crushes their necks, another pincer crushes their legs; then the victims is slammed to the ground and beaten with a barbed tail six or seven times. Death comes almost immediately.�

posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 02:18 PM
"a video clip aired on CNN showed a UFO hovering over Baghdad; it moved away to avoid a stream of tracer anti-aircraft fire"

if someone could find that video clip it would be great

posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 03:15 PM
Here is the UFO in question.

Saddam seems to be posing for cameras just after opening the lid on his captured UFO.


posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 03:31 PM
holy crap william. One of two things.. this pic is the most propagandish thing I have seen OR it just may have some truth to it.

Where did you find that pic.. Did it have a story connected to it?


posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 09:07 AM
Mountain fortresses and giant scorpions, oh my!

I especially liked the part about the blue fairy making Saddam a real boy! a word, no.

posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 03:48 PM
Don't you just love how gazrok adopts the guilty until proven innocent stand.

Can you prove that he HASN'T got some sort of paranormal equipment. Until I see proof either way I am staying open minded.


posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 04:37 PM
Sounds logical in away if you think about it...

posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 04:47 PM
just plain creepy. maybe that's why he says the US will be defeated. maybe he will use a giant 'laser' and get us good?

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 07:12 AM

Saddam seems to be posing for cameras just after opening the lid on his captured UFO

I'm impressed, very good photoshop work

[Edited on 27-2-2003 by Zion Mainframe]

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 07:20 AM
I have noticed the change in the media. The history channel has been showing shows that talk about area 51, UFO�s in the bible and stuff. The Quran that�s about three beings created by GOD: mankind, Angles(sprits) and jin(which might be alien�s). Supposedly they meddle in worldly affairs in the background. Mischievous in a way. That might be what these secret society�s are hiding��

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 07:48 AM
This looks fake, is this supposed to be a joke?
What's with the little people sitting in the front of the craft?

posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 10:01 AM
"Don't you just love how gazrok adopts the guilty until proven innocent stand."

Not guilty until proven innocent...but false, until proved true... It actually sounds plausible until you get to the secret squad of trained giant scorpions...then it gets a little too Flash Gordon for me...
That, and the fact that if a UFO was shot down during the war, especially by us, we would quickly sieze it, and if any Iraqis tried to, the spot would be vaporized, wreckage and all...logically, anyways... We controlled the skies, so they wouldn't have been capable of mounting such a retrieval operation...

posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 10:41 PM
Is there a link to the picture?

posted on Mar, 3 2003 @ 04:04 PM
my source from an australian UFO research centre tells me the pics has been doctored. Oh well it was fun while it lasted. They're not quite Here...yet..


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