posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 12:44 PM
I agree that racism is for ignorant fools. I have been attacked racially both in the US and the UK, where I was born.
We are all different, but are of one race-THE HUMAN RACE. We all share this planet with one another, and having witnessed racism, as a young child, as
well-I find that it is the ignorant, who are racists.
I love people from all nationalities, religions (satan worshippers, I can't co-exist with). and colours. My daughter is dark and I am white. I have a
great love of looking at people from other countries and hearing them speak in their native tongues.
The colour of the skin isn't important, nor the language that somebody speaks. It is what comes from the heart and the head that makes all the
We are all the same colour inside, and all come into this world the same and go out the same way. Even when I was a young child, I could not
understand racism. It made no sense to me at all. I remember going into a cafe as a child with my grandmother in Texas and seeing toilets marked up
white and black. I asked the person why they couldn't use our toilets? and before he could answer- I said that didn't they go the same way, as we
do. Also, we all are created by the same G-d, so why are they treated indifferently. (the word, I used was different). I was about six at the time. It
is something that has been embedded in my memory. I do recall the owner didn't have an answer to my questions.
To me racist people are colour blind, and can't see beyond themselves. However, if they take a closer look at themselves-they would have to judge
themselves, as they would find flaws and reasons for their imperfection.
We should not judge others for their imperfections, or whatever; before we judge the imperfections within ourselves. None of us is perfect, but we are
all created the same way. We should consider our differences a blessing, as this world would be a boring place, if we were all clones and perfect in
every way.
love, light and peace