posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by mugen1005
I've been to the Philippines 4 times and one thing I noticed there, is that once you get outside the Metro Manila area, there's not nearly as
many flying objects in the sky as in the Western countries, of the identifiable type.
So one possible reason there could be less UFO sightings compared to Western countries, is there may be less stuff in the air (planes, helicopters,
toys, balloons, etc). Remember about 95% of all UFO sightings can eventually be proven to be some kind of identifiable object or phenomenon (such as
airplanes that are so distant you can see a light but no wings for example). But the 5% that are not explainable are really interesting.
By the way the underwater sightings of sea creatures there are way better than the US (even though they aren't UFOs they are beautiful to look
I heard they are leasing the space from that old base, but I'm not sure how much of the space is leased out. It's a little too far from Manila to be
commercially practical for a Manila distribution hub.