This whole disinformation thing is a conspracy to itself. so we have outspoken individuals telling us what is going on in the hidden agendas. some of
these people can be their own worse enemy they just come across as crack pots, yet the same information - i thing as one poster put it - if delivered
in queens english - at least BBC news style in a calm and inteligent way, this information would be more referred and credible. In the case of Alex
Jones - he has lots of great stuff , i dont really thing hes this dis info agent. hes just a bit of a pr bafoon, why is he always shouting and raise
his voice like his always trying to take the center stage. On his talk shows he just sounds like the stereo type "war movie" gravel voice -voice
over. so his voice to me just makes me unable to take it serious. but when u look at the info on ur own, i think things make sense.
then this other guy this Irish or Scottish guy alan watts, he seemed credible to me for a while, but recently i found some youtube video about his
radio show on air and alan was just cutting off callers and getting very agressive towards callers and basically refusing to go near the subject of
Religion. And these callers were totally legit wanting to ask about it, yet Alan just getting all nasty to them and totally avoiding their questions,
also accusing the caller of being just some bible basher nut infiltrating his show.
Well to me if you want to discuss subjects and are putting yourself out there as some expert of nwo type subjects you sould at least listen to your
avid listeners. and entertain their discussions. Normally people shut people off when they are getting close to subject they are avoiding. same as
political leaders do.
If you have seen this photo i got pm'd a few weeks ago it actually funny with alex and alan - dont know what u
call it like a satire?. I guess its getting at them all , is it suggestuing they are agents of illuminati - or maybe this has been releiced to
dis-info the dis-info agents and steer the public away from them??????? whats up???? anyone have info there are there threads on this in itself!
(agggghhhh!) I know I have listened to Robert Maxwell about his latin meaning of words. Im sure half of it he makes up and to me his whole body
language suggests he is not who he says, or that he has secrets to hide. I was reading a book about meaning of physiologys etc , like the fact he
wears high kneck turtle shirt and that he tends to sink his head in, its like hes somehow not totally clean about stuff, dark glasses also lend to
if anyones going to get anywhere in exposing the hidden agendas towards nWo they need to work on the presentation and marketing, as i would feel
embarrised to get "caught" listening to some of these guys.
well, ATS is probably best source of info leads to me at the moment. i try sometimes to say no more looking into NWO stuff, and now im even more
confused that the people we listen to have been suggested to be disinfo agents. -- or is that another con theory in itself. ?????? more diging for
people who can afford time.
[edit on 7-1-2010 by mikeg2222]