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Clues in Movies

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I was watching the movie called CHILDREN OF MEN and in the beginning they showed N.Y Nuked and other cities. should really watch very interesting

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:37 PM
Is this just in general? Because last night I was watching a rerun of Malcolm in the Middle and in the the boys were launching diapers filled by their baby brother into the air with balloons. The interesting part was the last line where Dewey said "we saved them last summer when Jamie had swine flu" I checked the info on the episode and it was made in 2004. Interesting.

edit to add: I'm not too good with finding clips that I don't have to pay for (and I couldn't find it on youtube) but its episode number 107 Reese joins the Army pt. 2 at the very end.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by searching4truth]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by searching4truth]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by searching4truth

yea, i thought it was very interesting because they also talked about a flu pandemic killing babies in 2008.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:02 PM
oh god where do i start. watch V for vendetta, saying that the us population killed itself by creating a virus. I am Legend, thought they found the cure to cancer in 2009, turned out to be a zombie disease, which some people think will be the mutated version of h1n1.

another would be the day the earth stood still, that movie is based on fact more than fiction. so many movies giving obvious hints, its not just in one place, its everywhere if you know what to look for.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Apocalyptic themes are very common in movies. I wouldn't read much into it, to be honest. If you want to see some possible self fullfilling prophecy, read George Orwell's book 1984. The dates are off, for certain, but he described the destination at the end of the road we truly do seem to be shuttling down with almost eerie accuracy and he did so 60 years ago.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:35 PM
Children of Men is one of my favorite films.

Didn't ever see that Malcolm in the Middle episode, very interesting.

Another good one is Jericho, it's mentioned quite a bit on here.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Apocalyptic themes are very common in movies. I wouldn't read much into it, to be honest. If you want to see some possible self fullfilling prophecy, read George Orwell's book 1984. The dates are off, for certain, but he described the destination at the end of the road we truly do seem to be shuttling down with almost eerie accuracy and he did so 60 years ago.

^what that says

I was thinking the same thing.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:19 PM
Your just too young!
There was a threat of Swine flu in 1976, a huge deal was made of it, President Ford was vaccinated and the Federal government made almost the exact same plans as now for a pandemic. If you do a little flu research, you might be surprised.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:29 PM
The movie "12 Monkeys" with Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis is another futuristic Apocryphal movie about a super virus that wipes out humanity in the future.
Very thought provoking as well

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

True, I was not alive in '76 but the episode aired what 27 yrs later, and his brother just had it the previous summer. Just found it interesting as with the time lapse it appears to be an odd joke.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Epsillion70

Also, in that movie, Cole finds a Pig Head and recognizes it as a marker to begin his search...

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:39 AM

This is the film La Jetee, upon which 12 Monkey was created.

A very interesting insight...

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:28 AM
In the Dead Space cartoon, they did a bit of subconscious programming, there was a scene in which I think it was the captain was losing it and needed to be injected with a syringe (I can't remember if it was a vaccine or a sedative) which he resisted with all he had.

Anyway the camera zooms right into the syringe so it takes up the whole of the screen and you hear the voice of the man holding it say "Trust us, it's for your own good".

Programming people to accept the vaccine.

And Dead Space was not good, don't bother watching it.

Over and out

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by DangerDeath

This is the film La Jetee, upon which 12 Monkey was created.

A very interesting insight...

Ces Américains de #in toujours pris les bonnes expositions originales du Français et de les reproduire en tant que leurs propres films originaux est totalement baisés. J'ai pensé que 12 singes étaient un film original d'un artiste américain, même Elizabeth fabriqué à la main un livre concernant lui. Je suis consterné au plagiat évident !

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 05:46 PM

i couldn't find just the clip at the end where it gets really interesting...
if you can start it at about...9:11, yeah, go figure, thats when it starts where powdered toast man is being sworn into presidential office. he then proceeds to burn the bill of right and the constitution in the fireplace...

i know i watched this cartoon (ren and stimpy) as a child...and i remember seeing this now. but until i saw it i never thought of it. scary programming.

also...captain planet is a big one too...another one i watched as a kid and watching it now some of the episodes are creepy. not to mention ted turner thought up the whole idea and the voice of gaia is whoopi goldberg (don't know if thats creepy, but interesting) and lemar burton...reading rainbow/lt. jeordie.

and watching Batman Forever is like watching an ADVERTISEMENT for digital tv and the infamous BOX.

simpsons---swine flu...i know some people think thats reaching...but its played out perfectly how "they" are likely planning to do it. complete with "quarantining" entire cities. and the pig...swine...undeniable imo.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Apocalyptic themes are very common in movies. I wouldn't read much into it, to be honest. If you want to see some possible self fullfilling prophecy, read George Orwell's book 1984. The dates are off, for certain, but he described the destination at the end of the road we truly do seem to be shuttling down with almost eerie accuracy and he did so 60 years ago.

My friend, I hope you have seen the Waterboy starring Adam Sandler, or this post will not make any sense, and you will think lesser of me for being an Adam Sandler fan.

But, in that movie, there were two coaches who were friends. One was named Red, the other was named Cline. Cline was played by The Fonz.

Anyway, Cline has a notebook filled with amazing football plays that he has come up with, but then, Coach Red steals the notebook, and becomes a head coach, leaving Cline as a broken man who can no longer come up with plays.

That plot information isn't super necessary to this, but anyway, the thing you wrote about 1984 reminded me of that, it seems to me that the NWO is Coach Red and that have stolen Coach Cline's notebook, the novel 1984.

Now, the reason we are creepily shuffling ahead with accuracy, is because we are following the plan so clearly laid out for them. Why would they need to come up with a better plan when we gave them all our best plays from the get go?


And OP, I am reading about Children of Men and it sounds awesome/correct for where we are headed. Too many movies have too many coincidences. I wonder who is trying to warn us? If anyone.

[edit on 19-9-2009 by BaronVonGodzilla]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Im surprised noone has mentioned 'Outbreak' which is one of my fav movies ever starring Dustin Hoffman. I freaking love that movie and it so mirrors several of the fears going around right now....

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 07:45 PM
you mean clues like this?

If you havn't seen this movie. you damn well should.

[edit on 19-9-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 05:49 AM
If I am going to be coming back to you since your early childhood up to your adult life and keep doing this to your children too, and all I am doing is repeating over and over, through careful movie scripts and creative cinematic surroundings and stories that you are going to fail, this is not me giving hints and trying to help you. This is me trying to brainwash you, trying to force your pattern of thoughts to form a desired outcome. Desired by me because I might have an agenda to push on you.

Simple. Ain't that what Hollywood is trying to pull all along? I am curious.

[edit on 20-9-2009 by spacebot]

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