Here is the video, you may download it using keepvid and start redistributing it all over the internet that a military soldier broke protocol (that
means she may goto federal prison) over releasing information that the military is planning on forcing vaccinations against our will and these will be
done against our will:
Force us to permanently wear a metal bracelet with a RFID Chip embedded inside
failure to have proper documentation or the RFID Bracelet will get you in a prison bus to be sent to a concentration camp
and this s**t is about to get worse, foreign troops now know who is a gun owner which means foreign troops can now heavily arm themselves to kill
anybody resisting the poison vaccines and anyone resisting their RFID Chip.
Now is time to resist against the Obama Administration before it's too late and the bloodshed begins as many will resist forced vaccinations.
please flag this thread and share this video all over the internet make it viral before the military penalizes her and shuts off the videos.
Originally posted by fetishfound reply to post by uswgo
please flag this thread
This is crap...
Well that was well thought out and poignant. Geez.
I find it quite interesting how the idea of these bracelets keeps popping up all of a sudden. Sounds kind of like the old "Kansas City Shuffle" to
me....get the people looing for a bracelet, so they are unaware of the chip they are injected with...