posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Kryties
And the witness makes the "drinky drinky" motion.........
Im drunk and not scared. I know when I wake up tomorrow im going to be like oh # their after me. Then I will take my meds...what they do to pophets
today. The kill them before they get a glimps of their dream. Im talking about the govement watchers...Oh lets start a revolution I said back In the
bush years. I got #ed with. So I decided to learn and then Majic and have FUN with it. *Middle finger from a conservative constitutionalist,
Listen to the lyrics if you have the heart.
Come on brothers you have something to say. Whats going on? Whats really going on. What is it. WHAT IS IT? Once you figure it out..youl either be
crazy or loving as god is. I chose he dove. so *Middle Finger* to those who roll there eyes as there reality will be the first to not evolve.
Go buy some beer and wake up with us.
Cause a scene create a scene. hehe
Look mom and dad (metaphorically.) on heson the good side of the force... evil side Im benign. Im just having fun and being benign.
I dare you to pots something after this. I cant be the only one.
we are the last of a dying breed.
As truy behind the scene I am Who I say I am. It lies in my hands. The morning sun returns from icy chains. Ebonics. Germonics. Very close.
Im CIA. Christ Initiation Association. learn what christ and pluto both leared from the mytry shcools. (WAKE UP YOU CONSPIRICY SHEEP>) WHAKE UP THE #
WAKE UP. Stay far away from the evil side of the spectrum. From what I was tol is its
Do you have any questions? I found my friends at ats. Who knows maby one day Il pick up the guitar and
speak of glp. Who knows. I feel its good to get out how you feel even if it is the truth like the zionsists and the family that christian and people
who have not been laid in two years. Amen Awomen
[edit on 17-9-2009 by Azen thorhammer]