posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:21 AM
I don't know about you but I am hearing more about the big bang. I'm not meaning to look for it, it just appears usually when reading science
magazines or web articles. That's got me to thinking about it some more, like how and why. Hey I'm not a physicist so I can merely make guesses and
that exactly what this is.
One thing about our universe is, we don't seem to have any antimatter or not much of it. I suppose that's a good thing otherwise we could be in
awful trouble. If the big bang was the moment of creation you would think there would have been some antimatter. You would imagine it was 50/50 and if
there was 50% at that moment where did it go. Our universe might have been a constant string of matter antimatter explosions had it been here. As I
say its a guess you may know better than I and if you do please tell.
Then the idea that we may be restricted to a Brane inside an even higher dimension (The Bulk) gave me an idea. I expect this has been discussed before
on ATS. (if so spit it out) The idea has already been posed that our Brane collided with another Brane to cause the big bang. Could a solution be
that if the other Brane is antimatter the antimatter never went anywhere it remained on the other Brane or universe. Perhaps if there are a few
remnants of antimatter in our universe then there may be some matter in there universe. Think of “The Bulk” having positively and negatively
charged Branes eventually shorting out between each other due to perhaps and imbalance of charges.
Lets hope there is no imbalance