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I need answers ATS!!! What happened that night?

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:47 AM
I think it's strange that all of our health improved!! Like I said before, becoming sick is extremely rare for me now.
I also think its weird that my mother is allergic to EVERYTHING, and I'm allergic to nothing. For her, allergy season is a year-round thing. lol....
But that could be just simple genetics, the allergic to everything gene is recessive in my DNA, explaining why I don't have it.
But if I remember correctly I was allergic to things when I was younger and then simply grew out of it. But that could be just coincidental.

Maybe, I'm just over-thinking things here..... Idk....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:49 AM
If you do decide to go to a hypnotist I'd screen them carefully, some of them claim to retrieve memories but if they use the wrong technique they can actually inadvertently plant memories of things that didn't even happen.

Anyway whenever we have a fever, it's well known that the brain isn't working at 100% efficiency, in fact depending on how high the fever goes it's possible to enter a delirious state. That doesn't imply a person is crazy, the same thing could happen to any of us if our fever gets high enough. So since you had a fever I'm not sure you even should see a hypnotist, but it's your choice of course.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by The_Truth818
I think it's strange that all of our health improved!! Like I said before, becoming sick is extremely rare for me now.
I also think its weird that my mother is allergic to EVERYTHING, and I'm allergic to nothing. For her, allergy season is a year-round thing. lol....
But that could be just simple genetics, the allergic to everything gene is recessive in my DNA, explaining why I don't have it.
But if I remember correctly I was allergic to things when I was younger and then simply grew out of it. But that could be just coincidental.

Maybe, I'm just over-thinking things here..... Idk....

i also was allergic and most of my family members have many allergies but im free of them...i dont believe in coincidences there has to be more to it

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
If you do decide to go to a hypnotist I'd screen them carefully, some of them claim to retrieve memories but if they use the wrong technique they can actually inadvertently plant memories of things that didn't even happen.

Anyway whenever we have a fever, it's well known that the brain isn't working at 100% efficiency, in fact depending on how high the fever goes it's possible to enter a delirious state. That doesn't imply a person is crazy, the same thing could happen to any of us if our fever gets high enough. So since you had a fever I'm not sure you even should see a hypnotist, but it's your choice of course.

Yes, I am aware that some hypnosis can do these things and make you believe what you saw happened, and they get your money. But I didn't have the dream, my mother sleeping next to me did. That's what makes it strange.

Originally posted by chrisd250

Originally posted by The_Truth818
I think it's strange that all of our health improved!! Like I said before, becoming sick is extremely rare for me now.
I also think its weird that my mother is allergic to EVERYTHING, and I'm allergic to nothing. For her, allergy season is a year-round thing. lol....
But that could be just simple genetics, the allergic to everything gene is recessive in my DNA, explaining why I don't have it.
But if I remember correctly I was allergic to things when I was younger and then simply grew out of it. But that could be just coincidental.

Maybe, I'm just over-thinking things here..... Idk....

i also was allergic and most of my family members have many allergies but im free of them...i dont believe in coincidences there has to be more to it

If that's the case, then why were we healed when there are so many other people out there suffering? It doesn't seem right or fair.....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by The_Truth818
Ok, now I'm a new member to ATS, but a long time lingerer. I have a strong belief in the alien ufo phenomena, and would consider myself pretty educated on the subject. I have some questions about an event that happened to me when I was a child and would like to hear some responses from members who have either experienced this, or something similar.

Welcome to the loony bin. And how old are you, now? I only ask because this might be kind of relevant to examination your memory? Could it be a false or repressed memory?

Originally posted by The_Truth818
This story takes place when i was about 7 or 8 years old. First I'll tell you what i remember, then what I was told later on.

I remember this night specifically. I was very sick and I had a very high fever. It was maybe about 101 or 102. As a child i always got really high fevers. My mom was a nurse at the time so she took care of me from home. This night she was worried about me so she had me sleep in the bed with her, while my father slept in my room across the hall. I went to sleep bare-chested, and when I awoke i felt much better. (I was no longer sick.) I remember my mom looking at my back and she called my father over. They both kept examining my back while i constantly kept asking them what was wrong. They never told me what was wrong, and my parents had a fight soon after the event.

Hm, ok, what is the significance of them examining your back and why do you think they had a fight and how is it related?
They way you tell your story and what you imply is that you were abducted that night. Only you yourself can find out what the truth is about this. I could easily explain your mother's experience as dream paralysis and your memories as false memories created after the fact. Or, you could have been abducted by extraterrestrials (also known as aliens). I want to believe, but I remain fairly skeptical (yes, a UFO from outer space would have to land in my backyard and say hi in order for me to become a ufo believer.)

Originally posted by The_Truth818
Years later while talking with my mother, she told me the full story. She said that she had a dream the the entire room filled with light and that I began to hover off the bed and drift towards the door. She said she began to scream over and over for my father but he never came to the door. She then grabbed me and tried to pull me back towards her, screaming "Don't take him, take me." (She doesn't know why she said this.)
After a few seconds, I dropped back onto the bed and she passed out.
The morning after, my parents said they saw two perfect, black, equidistant circles on my back that was not there before. She said they argued about it because my father said whatever happened last night was her fault. (Now divorced, lol...)

Anyway, do you guys have any explanation for what happened? I would just discard the whole event if it weren't for the black circles. I'm at a loss here.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by The_Truth818]

[edit on 17-9-2009 by The_Truth818]

Your mother said what she said, because that's what most moms do, they offer to sacrifice themselves for their child.

Also, you state that your mother dreamed the room was full of light etc. and you hovered?
Thats whats make me think of sleep paralysis, but it does not explain the marks on the back. It seems also clear to me that both your parents blame each other for what happened to you that night. Your mother blames your father, because perhaps she was crying for him to come to help but he never showed up. Your father seems to blame your mother without any reason at all?
Just my 2 Eurocents.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by WalterRatlos]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by The_Truth818

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
If you do decide to go to a hypnotist I'd screen them carefully, some of them claim to retrieve memories but if they use the wrong technique they can actually inadvertently plant memories of things that didn't even happen.

Anyway whenever we have a fever, it's well known that the brain isn't working at 100% efficiency, in fact depending on how high the fever goes it's possible to enter a delirious state. That doesn't imply a person is crazy, the same thing could happen to any of us if our fever gets high enough. So since you had a fever I'm not sure you even should see a hypnotist, but it's your choice of course.

Yes, I am aware that some hypnosis can do these things and make you believe what you saw happened, and they get your money. But I didn't have the dream, my mother sleeping next to me did. That's what makes it strange.

Originally posted by chrisd250

Originally posted by The_Truth818
I think it's strange that all of our health improved!! Like I said before, becoming sick is extremely rare for me now.
I also think its weird that my mother is allergic to EVERYTHING, and I'm allergic to nothing. For her, allergy season is a year-round thing. lol....
But that could be just simple genetics, the allergic to everything gene is recessive in my DNA, explaining why I don't have it.
But if I remember correctly I was allergic to things when I was younger and then simply grew out of it. But that could be just coincidental.

Maybe, I'm just over-thinking things here..... Idk....

i also was allergic and most of my family members have many allergies but im free of them...i dont believe in coincidences there has to be more to it

If that's the case, then why were we healed when there are so many other people out there suffering? It doesn't seem right or fair.....

who knows....maybe our genes or dna are different somehow thus the interest in us? do u/did u ever have/had add or adhd?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by WalterRatlos

First off, I don't see how any of your observations were even relevant to the topic. Second, I'm not crazy so don't start off by saying welcome to the loony bin.
I didn't create false memories, and sleep paralysis involves a person not being able to move or speak while hallucinating something. Hence the "paralysis" part.

JC, if you actually read, you would see that I said that she grabbed me and tried to pull me back.
I can understand you being a skeptic, I'm one too. But don't add your two "Eurocents" if you don't know what your talking about. But let's say I did make it up, and my mother had some new form of sleep paralysis I don't know about. That still doesn't explain the marks.......

As for trying to figure it out on my own. How do you propose I do that, other than what I'm doing now??????
I'm 18 by the way so my memory of the event isn't distorted.
The point of my thread was to get POSITIVE feedback, not read some guy's failed attempt to derail it......

[edit on 17-9-2009 by The_Truth818]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by chrisd250

Now on to more important matters....

Believe it or not, yes. I was told by a doctor that I had adhd. But I didn't want to believe it. At the time I felt (and still feel) that many children are told they have add or adhd because they don't want to deal with the kid and just put him on meds instead of trying to figure out why he's lashing out. I wasn't a problem child, I was just a class clown and always got in trouble for it.

But, I guess its possible I have/had it. I still don't think so though.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:03 AM
Sounds like a classic case of alien abduction

Have you found that you have certain psychic ability now as well? See Aura's... colours around people.... stuff like that happen.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Total Package

Nope, no auras.... Lol, I wish though.....

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 09:28 AM
Thanks for sharing with us,friend; this does sound like a classic case of abduction. Do you have any episodes of missing time or any other un-explained events?

Also, do you know what your blood type is? There are many of us here on Ats that have many different experiences that cover a wide array, and there does appear to many small,subtle things that link many of our experiences.

Are there any scars or scoop marks on you or your mother? Or what resemble small puncture marks, usually on the shins,calves, upper back?

Also, don't let the more skeptical or effacous members get under your skin; this is your episode in the walk of life.


posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Total Package
Sounds like a classic case of alien abduction

Have you found that you have certain psychic ability now as well? See Aura's... colours around people.... stuff like that happen.

no but i have from time to time has weird dreams about people and and events around me that would happen like deja vu and come true within a few weeks.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by The_Truth818
reply to post by chrisd250

Now on to more important matters....

Believe it or not, yes. I was told by a doctor that I had adhd. But I didn't want to believe it. At the time I felt (and still feel) that many children are told they have add or adhd because they don't want to deal with the kid and just put him on meds instead of trying to figure out why he's lashing out. I wasn't a problem child, I was just a class clown and always got in trouble for it.

But, I guess its possible I have/had it. I still don't think so though.

i did as well pretty much same story definatly class clown. my mom would not let me take the add meds tho(thank god) and i eventually learned to control it and i think im a better multi-tasker now for it. its like im on overdrive with the thoughts most the time...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by chrisd250

JC, same here. I'm a great multi-tasker. I can kind of pay attention to two people speaking at once. Idk, i still don't see how me possibly having adhd is tied in to all this. Idk what to think anymore.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by The_Truth818

I also would like to go under hypnosis.

Hey 818,

Although I never -- to my knowledge, that is -- have been abducted by an ET, or have had direct, conscious contact with an ET, so I am not writing from my own experience; however, I have done a lot of reading in the general field of ETs, UFOs, etc, so I can comment on your story a bit.

It does appear to me that your case is a classic ET abduction case.

Understand that our Earth has been quarantined by the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator -- the source of this name comes from the Ra Material (just google this: " Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator ") -- so I have NO doubt that this Confederation really does exist, as the reliability of the Ra Material is second-to-none in terms of the information that are in those books.

So this quarantine blocks out most negative ETs that may do harm to the inhabitants of our Earth, or to the Earth herself; however, thanks to the Law of Free Will, very few negative, Service-To-Self ETs are allowed to slip through the occasional wormholes that open up, through which they enter our world and do the things that they do (up to a limit, though, as they are not allowed to just do anything that they want), and this includes contact with humans and animals for their own purposes. So some contact cases stem from these kinds of ETs.

But there are other contact cases that stem from ETs who are allowed to come to our Earth to harvest the badly-needed DNA from the people of our Earth. These ETs -- usually they are the Zeta-Reticuli -- are actually people from a future timeline and they are going back into their past (which is our present) in order to harvest viable DNA in order to mix it into their own kind, creating hybrid human/Zeta offspring, through which they hope to avoid the disaster of their eons of time of their over-emphasis of mental development, at the expense of emotional development, which stunted their spiritual growth.

So these gifts of live DNA to the Zetas are very valuable gifts to the Zetas from us humans. Now the vast majority of human egos are not aware of the deeper soul-source from which every single one of those egos stem from, so, it is on the soul level that the souls (these are beings that exist on the 6-D ... 6th Density...level of reality; we on Earth are 3-D beings) have given permission to specific Zetas to harvest live DNA from specific individual egos who are created by the 6th-Density souls.

So, even if the Earth-based ego does not consciously give permission for the harvesting of live DNA, the ego's 6th-Density soul will have given permission for such a DNA harvest to happen and this is the case in the vast majority of any "abduction" cases in which an ego is used for the DNA, for embryos, for birth, etc.

And such abduction events are usually so powerful that, despite the mind-freeze technologies of the Zetas, the events usually bleed through into the awareness of the ego via the dream state and, sometimes, in the waking state, hence the terror that some egos go through with these events. The Zetas DO try their hardest to not to cause any harm, to not cause any trauma, but that can be hard to do when the egos usually are completely unaware of the existence of the ETs, let alone the reality and the reasons for these abduction cases.

Information and understanding on the ego level can go a long ways in preventing trauma in such abduction cases. There have been quite a number of cases of people who were already awake and aware of the existence of the ETs, so, when they had ETs show up, the egos were not traumatized and some of them had gone on totally mind-blowing journeys, of which they were able to recall and write books to memorialize the events.

So, yes, a regression hypnosis would be VERY good for you to understand this important event of your life. Do it.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:43 PM
Interesting...I have had strange things happen when I was a child...nothing like this but still odd.

And let me guess...when you or your mother look back on is probably like no big deal...right? Just like another everyday "remember that day we went to the park?".

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Lol, actually yeah. We are both very opened minded people, I may be more than she is though. But we will have these conversations like its normal, so it's funny that you say that.

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