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Vaccine Boss Secret Code?

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posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:41 PM
In the UK we just watched a show called Panorama on BBC-1

It was about Swine Flu, billed as 'All You Need To Know'

There was much downright lies and propaganda, but one thing really made me take notice, it was so in-your-face.

I was stunned, when William Cracknell, the Influenza Operations Manager of the Melbourne (Australia) company CSL walked into the virus incubation labs, and gave the sign of the horn, in perfect reverse fashion (as it must always be done).

This is a well used hidden communication between the power elite.

First image shows who he is, the man with red tie.

Watch his left hand change as he enters the lab in the 2nd and 3rd image...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I cannot see how such a hand position can be anything but by a conscious effort, that is so un-natural!

Understand this man's power and status in the NWO, if this pandemic flu vaccine is going to be a device to sterilize or kill us, his hand signal becomes very worrying.

I will try and upload the show on YouTube, the Windows-7 I am running does not work with any of my editing software so need to revert to Xp, be a few hours.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:23 PM
That is creepy! I agree that hand signal looks totally unnatural in this context. I've seen a lot of pictures here on ATS of politicians and other famous people making that sign, and usually there is some way to explain it away, but this time it's not so easy.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by songthrush
I cannot see how such a hand position can be anything but by a conscious effort, that is so un-natural!...his hand signal becomes very worrying.

Oh noes! William Cracknell is a Heavy Metal Head!

Or maybe he's a Texas Longhorns fan.

Or maybe he is an Umpire for his Little League team and he's practicing his 2 strikes sign.

Or maybe he's using it as a charm or guard against the evil eye lest his soul be stolen by the camera.

Or maybe he's letting the world know that his wife has been unfaithful and he is a cuckold.

Although you are right, maybe he is following in the footsteps of the President of the Italian Republic Giovanni Leone who shocked the country when, visiting Naples during an outbreak of cholera, shook the hands of the patients with one hand, and with the other, behind the back, made the corna.

Personally, I need something a little more damning than a hand-gesture to be convinced of conspiratorial affiliations.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:33 PM
can someone please enlighten me as to what this actually means? I can see where you are coming from as it does look un-natural and well he must have known he was doing it.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Ibex08
can someone please enlighten me as to what this actually means? I can see where you are coming from as it does look un-natural and well he must have known he was doing it.

Sign of the Horns: The Mano Cornuto

Many fundamentalist Christian groups believe that it is a sign of the devil, although ironically, in the Middle Ages it was used as a superstitious Ward against Witchcraft and the devil.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 07:54 PM
As a reader of ATS, an evaluation of the swine flu was made that shook me to the core.

In short...the G-20 meeting is to be used for a transfer of weaponized swine flu/vaccine........!!

First.... google g-20 security..... a de facto martial law.
This led me to ask why Pittsburgh......why not Las Vegas....?? At least the G-20 could drop a few billion $ on the casino's there.....LOL G-20 summit ...up come UPMC ...

"An integrated global health enterprise"

UPMC IS the HQ for the media at this meeting.....

Third....see Medical Milestones.....home of Jonas Salk, organ transplants, and psychiatry, and swine flu researcher Don Burke
Fourth the very beginning of Flu season.. UPMC Media Center the transfer point into or out of
for weaponized swine flu vaccine through diplomatic pouches for a worldwide pandemic, or a 911 type biowarfare attack on the USA.

Keep in mind that a 1% reduction in the US population, (which 4% of the world utilizes 25% of the world's oil) could reduce the world oil consumption by 10%!!! This would setback the alt-energy field, and free up oil for the BRIC counties.

Also, if developed in a deep abandoned Pittsburgh coal mine, could be easily contained with a few explosives.

Also, a major supplier of the swine flu vaccine to the US, Novartis, is HQ in the same city as the BIS (Bank of International Settlements... )

Thoughts....we have motive, resources, and timing....

Please seriously consider this posting as we only have a week or so left to handle this....
First public posting of this on ATS....

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by fraterormus

Originally posted by songthrush
I cannot see how such a hand position can be anything but by a conscious effort, that is so un-natural!...his hand signal becomes very worrying.

Oh noes! William Cracknell is a Heavy Metal Head!

Or maybe he's a Texas Longhorns fan.

Or maybe he is an Umpire for his Little League team and he's practicing his 2 strikes sign.

Or maybe he's using it as a charm or guard against the evil eye lest his soul be stolen by the camera.

Or maybe he's letting the world know that his wife has been unfaithful and he is a cuckold.

Although you are right, maybe he is following in the footsteps of the President of the Italian Republic Giovanni Leone who shocked the country when, visiting Naples during an outbreak of cholera, shook the hands of the patients with one hand, and with the other, behind the back, made the corna.

Personally, I need something a little more damning than a hand-gesture to be convinced of conspiratorial affiliations.

I do appreciate what you are saying. I have seen umpteen images of various wannabe personalities and pop stars doing the sign of the horns, but this is merely fashionable flattery and mimicry rather than a sign of how far the real conspiracy has spread.

The examples you gave are classic examples of what I call 'benign' use of the horns. Like skulls on a biker's motorbike clothing, there is different meaning there to that sported by certain other people wearing skulls, such as some of the occult Nazis for example.

Let's get back to our vaccine company boss. He is not a heavy metal groupie and his job has the most immense gravity. It would be the most extreme recklessness for him to have given such a 'benign' use of the horns symbol given the paranoia that surrounds the vaccine already. And make no mistake, he would be aware of it.

He did give a signal, unless of course he just coincidentally happens to be a flu-vaccine boss who also has two paralysed fingers. No, this WAS a signal and while it may not be enough evidence to hang him I would certainly take the fact he DID make THAT signal and think VERY carefully before rolling up the sleeve for any shot.

Why would he risk making such a signal in the full glare of the public? I think he thought he was more discreet than he proved to be, and many commentators of the NWO have said they are arrogant to the point of carelessness, and they have a lemming-like drive to signal each other WELL in advance of their arranged disasters.

Time will tell on this, meantime, I will err on the side of caution.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Okay, for those who can't access the BBC iPlayer site, here's the cut to the scene where Mr Cracknell makes his interesting hand signal.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 04:33 PM
Sorry to keep posting on this, I think this is important.

Some people have found the life-speed clip too hard to see the signal.

Here's my first ever use of a video editor to try zoom and slow-motion, hope this helps.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by songthrush
Sorry to keep posting on this, I think this is important.

Some people have found the life-speed clip too hard to see the signal.

Here's my first ever use of a video editor to try zoom and slow-motion, hope this helps.

Nice video and good catch.

That is definately a very unnatural and conscious hand movement, the video shows it all, it's very deliberate in my opinion.

Very scary to me and those who believe in this stuff.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Of course it's deliberate, but I think you're misinterpreting the meaning. It's used to ward off bad luck in certain cultures, something that I think is perfectly understandable given circumstances of where he is. Compare it to Giovanni Leone's use of the horns when shaking the hands of Cholera patients. Same deal.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 11:51 PM
He may have just been trying to shoot a web.
I'll have to turn up the volume and see if I can hear a "THWIPPP" sound.

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