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Why Millions of Americans Don't Need a Swine Flu Vaccine

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posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Why Millions of Americans Don't Need a Swine Flu Vaccine

The FDA has now suddenly granted approval to four different H1N1 vaccines, all on the same day! With virtually no testing, these fast-tracked vaccines are now approved for use on everyone: Infants, children, adults, senior citizens and even expectant mothers. But does everyone really need these vaccines?

All these millions of people who were infected by H1N1 and didn't die have naturally made their own swine flu antibodies. They are now immune to the swine flu, and they now have zero risk of
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:05 PM

So here's the relevant question: What happens when you give an H1N1 vaccine to a person who already has H1N1 antibodies?

Great question eh?
didn't think of it, me either

but does having antibodies for 1st pass make you immune to the 2nd pass?

that's my question

The answer is that injecting such a person with an H1N1 vaccine exposes them to all the risks of a vaccine with none of the purported benefits. In other words, such a vaccine cannot help them in any way because they're already immune to H1N1!

Very interesting logic
let's discuss
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:03 PM
As a reader of ATS, an evaluation of the swine flu was made that shook me to the core.

In short...the G-20 meeting is to be used for a transfer of weaponized swine flu/vaccine........!!

First.... google g-20 security..... a de facto martial law.
This led me to ask why Pittsburgh......why not Las Vegas....?? At least the G-20 could drop a few billion $ on the casino's there.....LOL G-20 summit ...up come UPMC ...

"An integrated global health enterprise"

UPMC IS the HQ for the media at this meeting.....

Third....see Medical Milestones.....home of Jonas Salk, organ transplants, and psychiatry, and swine flu researcher Don Burke
Fourth the very beginning of Flu season.. UPMC Media Center the transfer point into or out of
for weaponized swine flu vaccine through diplomatic pouches for a worldwide pandemic, or a 911 type biowarfare attack on the USA.

Keep in mind that a 1% reduction in the US population, (which 4% of the world utilizes 25% of the world's oil) could reduce the world oil consumption by 10%!!! This would setback the alt-energy field, and free up oil for the BRIC counties.

Also, if developed in a deep abandoned Pittsburgh coal mine, could be easily contained with a few explosives.

Also, a major supplier of the swine flu vaccine to the US, Novartis, is HQ in the same city as the BIS (Bank of International Settlements... )

Thoughts....we have motive, resources, and timing....

Please seriously consider this posting as we only have a week or so left to handle this....
First public posting of this on ATS....


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