posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:31 PM
You know, while my initial reaction to the OP itself was to ignore it, I do think there's a story here. (just not along the lines the OP laid out).
Look at all the apologies being slung around by ABC news for "regretably reporting something the president said in an off the record comment"
Hello? He's the most visable public figure in the nation, perhaps in the world. NOTHING he says anywhere in public can ever be considered "off the
record." Yet we're seeing promises by our media to "do better" at not reporting off the record comments made by the administration. When George
W. Bush had an open mic pick up this comment to Tony Blair “See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this
s#!t, and it’s over,” there were no apologies by the media reporting it, nor should there have been. Whether you agree with the comment or not,
it was made in a public place with known microphones and reporters and, as such, should have been assumed to "get out" by the President.
The fact that we have potential regulatory changes (self imposed by the media and otherwise) being discussed over the "jackass" comment getting out
is a HUGE blow to the first ammendment.