posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:11 PM
"Eco-Terrorists Attack Hummer Dealer"
"The Earth Liberation Front was quick to praise the act of terror, however refused to accept responsibility for the terrorism."
This goes with my theory that any "Extremism" is dangerous. Animal Rights Extremists, Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Extremists, and any other
My main problem with these "Green Extremists" is that global warming is a hoax! The politicians who scream "man-made climate-change" are crooks!
If someone can afford a Hummer, and the expenses of it, they have the right to drive a freakin Hummer!
By the way, I don't want anyone to think I'm only against the Democratic "Green" (Tax) Movement. It was probably worse going into Iraq and
wasting time, money, and human life fighting there. . . but we shall see how far this "climate-change", "cap & trade", "green" tax movement
goes. . . They might say that fat people are releasing too much CO2 and kill them all, or "useless-eaters" like the retired folks. . . we shall
[edit on 15-9-2009 by bettermakings]