posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 04:29 PM
First of all im mega dyslexic so please excuse the grammer and spelling >_<
When i first heard about the whole theroy that because of the galetic center linging up with our solar system that due to the gravital pull this would
cause some shift in consiusness or huge disaster and what what. But then i thought. The galetic center is over 28,000 light years away. So when we if
lines up. Were not seeing it how it is. but how it was 28,000 years ago. by then the gravitation effects would be long gone. Its like. If the sun
disappeared right now we wouldnt see for 8 minutes but we'd have the gravitatinal effects to show its gone.
This also made me relise that the theory that were gonna get sucked into the super massive blackhole at the center of the galexy is lame cause it
28,000 light years away. If we moved though the galexy that quick that it would still take us 28,000 years to get there