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Dad Says Race Led to Son's Beating

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Dad Says Race Led to Son's Beating

Milligan's father believes several African-Americans beat his son, who is white, because he is dating an African-American woman. Mulligan's father wants police to treat the beating as a hate crime. He also has criticized what he calls a deafening silence from the community, police and the national media.
"If this was a black guy who was beaten by a group of white guys for dating a white girl, people would be up in arms," he said. "There's a double standard."
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:45 PM
This reminds me a lot of the incident in Akron Ohio where a white family was beat up by a gang of black teenagers who chanted, "This is a black world". Again, no MSM coverage and the local authorities didn't want to call it a hate crime or seemed hesitant. I think if we're going to have special punishments for so called "hate crimes", then they need to be applied equally. Otherwise, we do not have equal protection under the law.

I'm also disturbed by what seems to be a trend of racially motivated black on white hate crimes. It seems to me that if gangs of white men were running around beating up black people for obvious racial reasons, the MSM would be all over it and rightfully so.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:55 PM
good find and your right this absolutely parallels the akron case... unfortunately for the family theres just plain nothing that they can do about it. More publicity would mean sooner or later someone would have to denounce it and come on Jessie Jackson isnt going to do it.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Everyone knows only whites can be racist and it is only a hate crime when a white/straight person commits it.

Seriously though I think the whole hate crime thing is a joke and should be shot down. Crime is crime regardless of the victim. I was discussing this very thing with a fellow co-worker who happens to be gay and he agreed. Murder or beatings are just that they have a victim all victims should be treated equally just as the perpetrators should be punished equally for the crimes they commit within reason.

Back to my first line though, nothing will come of this other than a simple assault charge if even that. Only white people are racist and commit hate crimes. Just ask the media, politicians, and many who are not white/straight. It will be nice when people start looking past excuses for things and just learn to accept life for what it is, which is there are bad people out there that should not be walking the streets or breeding.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Actually this story aired on our channel 7 news WSVN here in FL. As I recall the African-American girl said it was racially charged because they were dating. Anywho, it is wrong nonetheless.

Racial fights are everywhere and most don't make MSM. Here take a look
Racially Charged Fight

There's tons on the interenet. So my question is did you choose this one to fit your ideas

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Wimbly

I don't understand ...

Are we going to post every hate crime on ATS pretending it's the first time that's happened and that it's alternative news?

Or perhaps your motives for posting this are less overt ... though thinly disguised.

[edit on 14 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Actually it is a conspiracy and deserving of alternative news.

How often do we hear about straight white people being charged with hate crimes when others are not? If we were to look at statistics I would wager that more often than not it would show only or at very least most “hate crimes” are committed by straight whites.

This really is nothing more than proof that someone with power wants society to wage war against each other in such ways trying to justify misplaced anger over race, sexual orientation, religion, or whatever. Life is life and no matter what there are those different from us. But the real story here is that this is not making national news or even getting much of an uproar from the community. In order for law to make its way and work properly it must work equally for all. In other words these men should be charged with a “hate crime” since that crime is on the books. Where is the rage and anger over this blatant “hate crime”?

Again though I believe the whole “hate crime” thing is just the best way for TPTB to keep the masses battling each other instead of stepping up and confronting the true enemy which are those who long ago overtook our government. You do not have to worry so much about your enemy (the common people) when they are busy fighting each other. “Hate crimes” are a joke the whole idea should be removed from law and victims should be treated equally.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

He's more making a comment of the fact that if the tables were turned, Jesse Jackson and Al sharpton, amongst others would be screaming like banshees trying to bring this to the public stage. Yet in a situation such as this, there is no coverage. Believe me, this sort of thing happens all the time, and no one on a national stage talks about it.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Hypntick


Someone wins the prize for paying attention in class. This is exactly the problem and it needs to be recognized. Sadly, it will not happen because it will not be allowed to happen. Such a voice would be squelched or labeled as racist.

Those in charge want the little man to hate one another. They want the commoner to feel resentment or paranoia toward their neighbor or the guy across town. The more we pay attention to one another the less attention we pay to them.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:51 PM
You guys are kidding right?

Go to any major metropolitan city in the US, heck around the world, and this happens.

New York, Boston, Philly, DC ...

Yeah it's horrible, yeah it stinks, but no it is neither breaking nor alternative.

As such, and as pointed out earlier, motives behind threads like this are transparent.

Oh, and if you think that there's no hell to pay if an Irish or Italian guy gets beaten by an African American in one of those cities, then it's not the newspaper that's going to enlighten you.

This crap has been going on as long as history itself.

The more scarcity meets ignorance the more fear is bred. Sometimes it's expressed through violence and evidently, sometimes through posting on forums.

[edit on 14 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Or perhaps your motives for posting this are less overt ... though thinly disguised.

Let me guess, I'm racist for posting a story that highlights the MSM's lack of interest in hate crimes against whites? I'd say your motives are more overt than mine. I just want to highlight a growing problem that the MSM wont.

Are you not concerned about hate crimes laws being used to dish out unequally under the law? That goes against our constitution and is quite obviously a step in the wrong direction.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Wimbly]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:42 PM

7,722 hate-crime incidents were reported to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2006 -- an 8% increase from 2005.

2,640 were anti-black (up from 2,630 in 2005).

967 were anti-Jewish (up from 848 in 2005).

890 were anti-white (up from 828 in 2005).

747 were anti-male homosexual (up from 621 in 2005).

576 were anti-Hispanic (up from 522 in 2005).

156 were anti-Islamic (up from 128 in 2005).

163 were anti-female homosexual (up from 155 in 2005).

Again, this has been going on forever ...

I don't know where you live but the local media almost always covers hate crimes no mater who the victim is, and the same goes for the national media if the crime is heinous enough.

Not to mention that the reason why the Sharptons of this world were ever empowered to become the dividers that they have become is BECAUSE no one used to pay attention to white on black crimes, whereas god forbid a black on white crime was committed they used to round up the usual "young black male/males."

Hate is hate, it is certainly despicable but certainly not alternative news. Though I see that that element of it has been rectified.

Imo your "oh my god, no way, can you believe this?" attitude reeks of disingenuousness. Especially since your source is AOL, I mean damn, how much more mainstream do you want it?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:56 PM
America is a land of sleeping giants. They lay asleep until arroused.
I make that statement cause it is the truth, and in this case you are looking at a case of a double standard. I do agree if it had been a minority youth that had been attacked by a gang of white kids, then it would have been all over the media and the leaders of the minority communities would be up in arms for action. What the real shame of it all, is that crimes like this, where the victims are not minority, and are white can have some devistating results. It gives the real racist organizations amunition to strike back under the guise of protecting the white people.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:38 PM
What I found encouraging about this story is that the local black community is denouncing this attack, and supporting the families and the victims.

The story has touched a nerve with several members of Buffalo's African-American community, including a local pastor who leads a predominantly black church in Buffalo.
"At first, it didn't affect me the way that it would have if I heard it was a black teen attacked," said the Rev. Darius Pridgen, who spent years fighting for civil rights for African-Americans.
"But after I saw his father on TV pleading with the community to find the assailants, I decided I had to go after the people who beat this kid."

Rod Watson also addressed the issue in his column in the Buffalo News. Watson, who is black, pointed out that interracial marriages are nearly 10 times higher than they were in 1960, according to U.S. Census data, but still those couples have a tough time being accepted by society.
"If blacks in Buffalo in 2009 are acting like whites in Selma in 1959, this society has big problems, despite electing a president who is himself the product of an interracial union," Watson said.
Judy Milligan, a community activist and Brian Milligan Jr.'s great-aunt, said she has been overwhelmed with support from her friends, both black and white.

It is good to see that the black community is standing up against this sort of thing when it is racially motivated black on white crime, as well as white on black hate crime.

I think this is an issue, and needs more attention. It seems that the media and the authorities seem to have a double standard when it applies to whites in racial incidents.

It seems that with all movements, things can swing too far in one direction, and this has happened with civil rights, where the establishment has decided that it doesn't have to treat white males the same as everyone else.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 11:55 PM
its very easy to understand when a White man beats a black man down its the white man trying to opress the other, when a black man beats a white man down its just the white man getting what he deserves for his ansesters actions hundreds of years ago.

Its sad that There is racisim when in truth there is only one Race of people on this planet that is really worth a damn!


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:30 AM
2 problems America..

... there is a hard wiring of tribal retribution coded into the black psyche.

...what happens when whites "shed their skins" of white guilt? What does that look like?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:37 PM
Hate crime statistics are a complete and utter joke, anyway. This cuts in every direction, not just black vs white vs black vs gay vs whatever. For intance, During the LA riots we saw angry young black men destroying businesses owned by Asians, Hispanics, and whites. We also saw Reginal Denny, a white truck driver, hauled out of his truck and witnessed his attempted murder... the MSM called it being in the wrong place at the wrong time and it wasn't classified as a hate crime. In reality, it was the definition of a hate crime... he was a white man in a black neighborhood at a time when there were people who were expressing hatred towards and against white people.

And let's be realistic here, if you're gonna press for hate crime legislation (and I agree with the member who said crime is crime, hate crime legislation is NOT equal protection of the law) but if you're going to have hate crime legislation, how much more hatefull can you get than killing a person over the color of bandana or lumberjack shirt they happen to be wearing? I mean that can't possibly be anything other than a hate feuled murder, yet you'll never see it classified as such by the MSM or justice department because then, suddenly, the nation would be confronted by a stat that showed minorities are just as hate-filled as any other group.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Raist
Everyone knows only whites can be racist and it is only a hate crime when a white/straight person commits it.

It was a few years back and for the life of me i can not remember who said it , i'm thinking either rev.sharpton or jessie jackson who once said "it is impossible for a minority to be racist"
ill keep looking to find the exact quote.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Seriously ask most any professional in the criminal justice profession and they will tell you that statistics on hate crime, rape, and a few others are far from accurate. You simply cannot measure something that often goes unreported or reported incorrectly. This is not always the fault of the victim or those accepting the reports but because of standards across the country for such reporting is not standard across the board.

Flat out it seems race is becoming a flaring issue more and more daily than it ever was in years past. Even now Jimmy Carter is saying most people who are in opposition of Obama are that way because of racism. He said the Governor who called Obama a liar was doing so because of racism. Flat out I will say too often people scream racism over ideas that differ from their own.

In this case though you are not hearing as much about it as you would if the colors were reversed. Even after reporting what Carter said CNN made it a point to talk about a woman being beaten while being called the “N” word. What about all the beatings of people being called honky or white bread? What about those being called “chink” or “wetback”? No of course you will not hear as much about that.

As I said only whites/straight people can commit “hate crimes” in the eyes of the media. It is simply a tactic to keep the people in this country against one another instead of paying attention to the real issues at hand. I am not saying racism does not exist as it certainly does. It does not exist on the level at which the media portrays it as though.


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:40 PM
"Hate crimes" are poorly defined and indiscriminately prosecuted, it comes down to whether the judge or prosecutors office feel pressure from the public to label something a hate crime.

In Cleveland on September 13, 20 black high school students ganged up and beat the crap out of one white student outside of a high school. The white student was just walking along the sidewalk and had no interaction with the 20 black students, until they started throwing punches. Prosecutors have backed off the "hate crime" claim because Cleveland has had a divisive and contentious racial history (home of the Hough riots in the 60's). The prosecutors defense for not calling it a hate crime is that among the large crowd of black students cheering on the beating caught on video, "3 or 4" (their words) were white, and of those 3 or 4 white students, one appeared to also be cheering on the beating. Thus, in their view, it can't be a hate crime! The spineless prosecutors have claimed only that the students were behaving "stupidly".

You can't even find a news media to cover the incident, only "Rover's Morning Glory", an Cleveland Talk Radio program, has been covering the event and apparent media black out.

Cleveland and Akron are also the home to the "Beat up a White Kid Day" which occurs every May 1st.

Racism plays a HUGE part in these mob type beatings, black on white or white on black.

In my opinion, any time you have a MOB attacking someone of the opposite race, you either call ALL such attacks a hate crime or NONE of them. If 3 white guys beat a single black man, it's a hate crime - but if 20 can beat one white guy, it's not?

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