posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 07:14 PM
I have recently been overloaded with way too much information concerning extra terrestrials and the hidden truth that the government (or who ever is
running the show) has been hiding from us since at least the Roswell incident. I sat and watch Bob Dean's videos from Project Camelot one day on one
of my boring internet search missions and was completely transformed.
I find it hard to talk to anyone about UFOs and Aliens and Cover Ups and need a group to lead me in the right direction. I am currently engulfed in
Project Camelot's abilities, Dr. Steven Greer from The Disclosure Project, Dr. Burisch (who I would give anything to meet and talk to),, and
anything that I can get my brain around.
I am hoping that I can be a part of something that is happening right now as we speak. I want to be a part of this huge transition we are