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Life is just an Illusion.

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posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:21 PM
The world is not an illusion the world is unreal meaning it is impermanent. The world is not a fiction, the Illuminati want people to think it is, that nothing matters or nothing is important. The worlds of matter are temporary but they do exist. The spirit is animating the body and mind. This creation is very low and consciousness is almost non-existent here. It is easy to be pulled down, mislead, confused and live in fantasy, but the spirit is conscious on this plane for a very good reason. The spirit is exhausting imperfection here. To think the world is an illusion, like the matrix can lead people to think there is no right or wrong action, no high or low, that it is simply a dream someday to wake-up from. Wake-up we will, but only when we return to the purely spiritual worlds. Until we have been taken home, we will remain subject to endless rebirths and between them we may occupy regions finer than this and be more conscious, but they too are unreal and impermanent as they still reside well within the material regions.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by ReelView

Well, frankly I couldn't give a darn what the Illuminati want me to think or not. I wouldn't recommend restricting one's thinking to either think like or think differently than them.

Impermanent means unreal? Real isn't an absolute neither is unreal. What comes closest to really real is the experiences themselves, the inward aspect of them. Everything objective to the true self (that means the brain too) could be of a completely different nature than is apparent, in the sense of being greater than in some hidden way, but not different than. The things in the material realm are avatars in a way but do exist.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:15 AM
"The truth about the world, he said, is that anything is possible. Had you not seen it all from birth and thereby bled it of its strangeness it would appear to you for what it is, a hat trick in a medicine show, a fevered dream, a trance bepopulate with chimeras having neither analogue nor precedent, an itinerant carnival, a migratory tentshow whose ultimate destination after many a pitch in many a mudded field is unspeakable and calamitous beyond reckoning."

-Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

[edit on 9/16/09 by silent thunder]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 12:42 AM
IF an illusion can break free of the subsequent oughts and possibilities ?can? and destiny thus manifests into a sequential order, rather if the illusion of lifeD represents itself as true and in form can the illusion be first of trused ,and last off in contraire to a positive outcome can the negative be swayed wiith-out the loss of any time of hesitation? If any insight should be of a cause to hesitation, should the bear of lost time rest on the oracle or on the receiver of the info... rather the... insight.:


If life shall present itself as an illusion, would not you tact urself to open yourself out of a dream, being as your heartbeat had a start and your hearth beat has a definate finish. Having that stated the illusion may be in origin of the mind and the benchmark of the first flicker of the mind, when does it ' activate" and when do you chose or force YOURself to 'de-activate it and Control your own Mind.

THE PUZZLE I have come to a mess in is:
how can I recreate myillusion of an on going system of ecos and thus forth manifest.


grace and awomen may be the key, just look to her eyes and perceive, lemme know if I struck a chord U2U me.

OP...Q.?./ Is your quest of the illusion of coagitive illusion, or of celestial, or otherWISE??? .?.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by sgrrsh26
Well actually, its MY illusion. You see, you are all just a figment of MY imagination. I created all of you. Through my powers of manifestation i have also created this entire world.
Just the other day i was telling my girlfriend how I manifest, and how i thought life was beginning to get boring, and now i wanted to see some alien activity to make life more interesting. Now google had showed us UFO doodles Twice!

You can tell yourself you dont believe me, but its just me telling you to tell yourself you dont believe I which is actually you being me through my thoughts of you.

I BELIEVE!!!! I BELIEVE!!!! Or is it just you telling me that I believe?
Since I believe, or at least I believe that I believe, could you please send me a genie that would grant me three wishes? Thank you.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:58 AM
If life is just an illusion, then the question is: an illusion compared to WHAT? For the concept of "illusion" cannot exist without a "reality" to compare it to.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by JacobNH

Life is real, hard as rock. There is no illusion in reality. If I take a gun and shoot someone dead, dead he is, and I had just shot someone. There is no illusion on that. I can see the rowantrees carrying berries outside my window. Birds are eating those berries. This is reality.

But, our mind constructs many illusions about the reality. We have illusions about ourselves, other people and most of the surroundings that we interact with. Everytime my brain manufacture a thought that is not based on reality, I make an illusion to myself. Every time a person accepts religious doctrine for oneself, there's an illusion. If you take a scientific theory as a reality, you are living in illusions.

The reality is there to perceive. Constantly observe the reality as it is, withtout a thought nor categorization, and you live in reality, not in somekind of matrix dream.

The human interaction in the world, with all the wars, misery, hatred, famine and pain is the result of these illusions, yet the results are very factual, not illusion in anyway. But because we have created illusions of mind, of good and bad - of my god and your god - and so forth, we are making the world as contradictive than we are inside.

All the contradictions are result of our inner instability. This division that our mind is making, is the capability of seeing good and evil, which genesis of bible attempt to describe. But reality cannot be divided, it is whole.

So, in the end, this illusion is in our mind, not in reality. Reality is, our mind interprets it, then twists it if we are not very observant and vigilant. You cannot be in direct experience with the world itself, unless you cast aside all these illusions of mind.

But I don't bother further with this explanation for there is enough.

All the best,


[edit on 16-9-2009 by v01i0]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by JacobNH

After questioning it more and more, the more i can't get my head around it.

Hi Jacob

Thought pushing thread!

I really dont think we ever will fully understand life and you know what....we arnt meant to!! The whole purpose of being here is to experience life and that would be impossible if we knew what life was about. Try to live totally in the present, become as conscious within the light as you can and many answers will flow to you. However if we spend our entire life trying and wanting to know the true meaning of why we are here the answers will pass us by.

Ive often seen it written people spend their whole lives wanting, waiting and trying to find out what their life is about...only to find it was there all along and had past them by right before their eyes. Life is Now, yes through the Matrix but rather than try to work out the Matrix try seeking that NOW through awarness and you'll soon find you understand the nature of the matrix and that actually you've understood it all along. As long as we understand the way it works and its nature then I dont think we need to know EXACTLY how everything is, thats most probably not for our knowing!

Keep seeking Jacob but never want. Wanting is energy that keeps you within the Matrix.

love and light

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Keep seeking Jacob but never want. Wanting is energy that keeps you within the Matrix.

Well said mr(s). Green

Yes, and do not force yourself. Because when you are forcing, it is just another way of wanting - you'll just fight fire with fire and obviously, it is vain. By forcing and wanting, you are merely replacing illusion with another. Just experience reality as it is - without conceptions nor categorizations, then you'll see thru the illusions.


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by v01i0

Just experience reality as it is - without conceptions nor categorizations, then you'll see thru the illusions.


Good to cross paths again!

Become its ever awake and conscious observer. Try always to observe the reality of the matrix while remaining in your Now. Try to never engage in its wantings, needings, judgements and dramas!! Oh how the Matrix loves its dramas. Its made life one big drama and it is this we must rise above. As soon as we engage in its emotional dramas of the mind(unconscious feelings of anger, jealousy, hate, envy, wanting, needings, negativity) we are lost to its control.

Silently observe the Matrix, do not play its game. This way knowledge will flow.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:00 AM


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Debsturrs

Erm. Are those words directed at me?
You haven't replied to a certain person so yeah. But still, no matter who thats too, thats pretty damn crazy.

reply to post by blujay

Ah yes, The Law Of One.

I don't know if i can find it in a book form or not, because i just like the feel of books
If that makes sense. I'll look around

Thanks and thanks to agentofchaos for that one too.


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by JacobNH

Explain the Matrix to me.

Teach me.
Show me.
Enlighten me.

I cant. Nobody can. Only you can do that. Only you can show yourself. Thats the way it is and how it always will be. Once we stop searching outside of ourself then the answers come.

If I do not go within
I go without -

ND Walsh

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by JacobNH

Explain the Matrix to me.

Teach me.
Show me.
Enlighten me.

I cant. Nobody can. Only you can do that. Only you can show yourself. Thats the way it is and how it always will be. Once we stop searching outside of ourself then the answers come.

That is ultimately true but guidance is invaluable at times. It should not be discounted as useless to those who seek truth. Just your suggestion to seek inward can help the lost find their way. One should not neglect inward searching as it is the primary means to realization but I personally would never suggest to stop looking for clues around one's self either. The inward and outward do mesh and complement each other.

Must like one's breathing, the focus oscillates inwardly and outwardly in the process.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

That is ultimately true but guidance is invaluable at times

Absolutely but everyone has a different path with different ways of reaching the end point. Guidance is good but the WAY can not be shown.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by v01i0

First of all, i like you.
You have a good energy, or atleast, i think you do.

Thanks for your comment, but i don't know what to say. Im finding it rather hard to think today, so that might be why. I apologize

reply to post by Mr Green

Hello again

Well, i disagree with wanting something.
Wanting doesn't hold me back atall. If pushes me. If i want something, thats with in reason, ill get it.

I want answers. I want to know why. And to an extent, i'll get those answers. I know me, and i know what i want.

If i set what i want, i can aim for it. I cannot just let life flow, and see what happens. I don't disagree with letting life take you atall. In fact, thats what i do pretty much all the time, but on certain occasions, you have to take control.

The Universe was made to be found out.


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
reply to post by EnlightenUp

That is ultimately true but guidance is invaluable at times

Absolutely but everyone has a different path with different ways of reaching the end point. Guidance is good but the WAY can not be shown.

Is there really, truely an endpoint? I know it is often taught that there is some ultimate goal or endpoint (say, to reach Buddhahood or go to heaven) but really I find that less convincing all the time about it's "endness". Maybe that is just an artifact of my particular way but I'm not sure why the notion seem more and more "too final" as the days pass and my awareness changes.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by JacobNH

Hello again

Well, i disagree with wanting something.
Wanting doesn't hold me back atall. If pushes me. If i want something, thats with in reason, ill get it.

I want answers. I want to know why. And to an extent, i'll get those answers. I know me, and i know what i want.

If i set what i want, i can aim for it. I cannot just let life flow, and see what happens. I don't disagree with letting life take you atall. In fact, thats what i do pretty much all the time, but on certain occasions, you have to take control.

The Universe was made to be found out.


Jacob the Universe and the Matrix especially delivers exactly what you ask ask for wanting that is all it will give you, a constant wanting. You must be exact in your requests. Did you read the thread link I gave you?

You must say I AM not I WANT. Say I AM , it is one of the most powerful requests you can make. It is Universal law, it is the bringing forward of the I AM command. The Matrix has NO choice but to deliver when this is used, however be careful what you say after it

Do you see?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Wanting is a sub concept of me. I also wish, but that does not mean "I Wish"

I Am...

I Am...

I Am...


posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 05:19 PM
Hey Jacob.
It is great that you are exploring such deep issues which get to the meaning of life.

It's important to realize that concepts-all concepts are an illusion.
the concept universe does not paint what the universe is.
And a rock and roll guitarist or classical violinist who tries to play their instrument
by thinking of the concept of each note will not be able to play very well.
It's the same with a batter in baseball or a dancer-the best let concepts fall away to
Therefore having the totality of the mind in the now means getting beyond concepts.
That is why meditation can help-meditation is about opening to the totality of the
universe. Focusing on a concept-limits your view of the universe.

A rainbow needs water light and space to exist as an illusion.
A human has interdependent causes to exist and cannot exist independently.

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