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Strange unknown marks appear

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Hello. I've previously posted on this site about my alien face vision/projected image that happened about a year ago. You can find it here

After that, nothing happened until now. On 2th of September I was admiring a full moon and was thinking my alien vision in a year ago. I was silently questioning myself things like "am I a good person?" "what is reason for everything?" "what is the truth?"...I felt sad and confused on that night. I took some photos of the sky and I was getting really sleepy. I went to the bed and somehow had a creepy there were someone present. I was so tired though that it might have been my imagination. I fell asleep quickly and slept straight through the night.

It's unusual for me to sleep like that, usually I wake up at night one to two times. In the morning I felt very tired, but had slept a good time. Somehow I happened to watch my leg and immediately noticed these strange marks that made me feel a little shocked. The pattern of red dots seemed so weird, and they were fresh they were appeared not a long time ago. They didn't hurt. I took many photos and in those I have noticed more details. They look like what is called a punch biopsy marks where sample of skin is removed, as there seems to be holes. Pattern of the dots is also not a straight line, but more like a curv. The marks are not that red anymore, but are still visible.

I have said to that they are nothing, that they are just normal a scratch of a bike pedal...but I'm not convinced. I've never had a scratch like that. Also there is no insects in here that can leave a such markings.

Two things to note...I felt very numb and tired the whole day. The nubness was weird...and I noticed some dark moving thing in photos that I took on the night before. It might be just a bird, but I don't remember seeing one. I don't know.

Here are the photos

I would like call anyone who has some professional knowledge of what these marks might be...are they normal? And anyone else who has some opinions? Are they abduction marks?

I've been thinking about a possible alien abduction and it doesn't scare me that much because I have no memory of such thing. I'm not sure if I could handle a concious memory. I believe that alien abductions do happen, but not everything is an abduction.
If I've been abducted I want to believe that they have a good/higher meaning behind it. At least I've seen what they look like
, and he/she didn't felt evil, even though an appearance was a little rough by human standards. If I've been abducted it's quite strange because I only think It might have happened because of my years of interest and belief in them.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 06:25 PM
Bed Mites?

[edit on 14-9-2009 by Bravo111]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:13 AM
Thanks for a might very well be a bed bug. Had not thought of them. I Had not heard them to be common in here. I watched many photos of bed bug bites and mostly they seem to be marks with a large reddish area surrounding the bite, and also they usually seem to be a little swollen. Mine were flat and large yellow center/hole is seen. But you gave a good example that not all strange marks are alien related, that they might have a natural explanation...

It's strange though how they appeared at only night for a long time when I slept so deep.

I don't know =)

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:37 AM
Strange that they grow smaller in succession..a close up of one of the marks shows that the skin around them seems if forming a scab..but also looks a bit infected..which is odd for just happening overnight....its hard to tell by the pictures if they are punctures or not...interesting non the less..

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Yeah, I think if the marks were there before, I would have noticed them. Yes, it's strange that they grow smaller in succession. I got a feeling that they appeared overnight. Also one thing I want to mention is that I have been sleeping with long johns on...could bed bugs bite through?
The yellow color makes them look like infected, but they didn't hurt or were itchy. I just looked at the marks and now the two are really small and one little bigger, they feel like small coarse scabs, that are slightly rised.

One thing I want to know, can scratch or knoch make a such separate dots with holes?

Ugh...I'm not convinced with the bed bug thing or scratch...I don't know...


[edit on 15-9-2009 by starlightbright]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by starlightbright]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by starlightbright
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

Yeah, I think if the marks were there before, I would have noticed them. Yes, it's strange that they grow smaller in succession. I got a feeling that they appeared overnight. Also one thing I want to mention is that I have been sleeping with long johns on...could bed bugs bite through?
The yellow color makes them look like infected, but they didn't hurt or were itchy. I just looked at the marks and now the two are really small and one little bigger, they feel like small coarse scabs, that are slightly rised.

One thing I want to know, can scratch or knoch make a such separate dots with holes?

Ugh...I'm not convinced with the bed bug thing or scratch...I don't know...


[edit on 15-9-2009 by starlightbright]

[edit on 15-9-2009 by starlightbright]

The marks are strange..almost like little crop circles on your

I dont know anything about bed bugs...I mean..Ive never had them...that I know of..seems like they'd be pretty big to make marks like that

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Hmm, I'm not sure but when my dogs have fleas I ocasionally wake up with little marks on my arms/legs.
Have you got any pets?

They look a bit big for flea bites and they usually occur in a rash, but you never know...

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 11:46 AM
and they didn't appear anywhere else on your body?
isolated to the leg?

could easily be a series of spider bites...

also, i would think that a full moon would provide less cover for alien beings. not saying that proves or disproves anything, just something else to keep in mind.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 01:37 PM
Hmm...don't have pets. I'm not sure about spiders, haven't seen any in this place. I don't think a common house spider would leave a that kind of mark. There are no exotic insects seen in here.I slept with long trousers on.

If it was an abduction...and if my alien vision and these marks are linked together , it seems like they are not not invading beings because they showed me their face.

I have not heard of anyone to who has seen an image projection of alien face and long after that got abducted.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:53 AM
I had this image on my back on 8/28/09 that lasted 1 weeks. Then it can back on 9/19/09 anyone have an idea of what this is.I have more pictures on my profile.

posted on Sep, 22 2009 @ 03:58 PM
I just noticed this morning that there's a picture of an ant bite in one of my textbooks that looks similar to your marks.
I could try and take a picture and upload it if you like. (Picture didn't work - Stupid energy saving lightbulbs!)
Here's a link though which might help. The one in the book looks more similar, but that isn't going to happen so...

It's not exact, but it might help

The other stuff I have no idea about though.

Oh, and on the subject Steveo - the marks on your back look like the structure of benzene!

[edit on 22-9-2009 by Ayana]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:14 AM


posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 04:05 AM
Hey have you woke up with odd symbols or letter looking things. The waking up 2 times a night I have that too and at times some one is watching. I do wake up with odd marks or needle looking marks. Which does make me wonder as to what it is and who is doing it.

Hmm but in general I usually wake up with symbols and odd looking patterns.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: ShadowNinja

Hello ShadowNinja - I know your post here is old but i wanted to reach out because your marks sound similar to mine. Are you still getting marks??
I have odd marks upon waking and some that pop up while I'm awake. Twice I have awoken with letters on my left leg about an inch tall. Didn't spell anything - just random raised letters that look almost typed onto my skin. Many, many times I feel a welt of sorts raising on my body - different places, arms, legs, trunk - they are hot and burn and itch. They last a few hours and then fade. My husband and I call them my "grids" because they are often uniformly shaped in either a rectangle, square or circular shapes made of connecting dots. I had a big one this evening and had my son take a photo of it. It is a spiral shape and is just now almost gone after 4 hours. My sense is that it is either related to Chemtrails and the crap they rain down on us or to an abduction scenario, although how would that explain the grids that appear right before my eyes while awake? I'm so curious. I wanna know what's doing this to my flesh. Any ideas?

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:37 AM
Yeah, I've had those, and the groggy days. Tell me did you vivid dream recently?

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