posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by WTFover
Wow, that sucks that your "friends" would hold your opinions against you.
I'm on the fence with the proposed bill myself.
But it's sad because my mom has been taken in by the right side of the movement. She's maybe the worst of them.
She gets taken in by either side that rallies against the government hook, line, and sinker.
It's not like she just disagrees with D's and R's as a whole and stays somewhere in the middle. It's like if a D is in office she's an R and
spouts/buys the R's rhetoric. If an R is in power she does the same but then spouts/buys the D's rhetoric.
I really hate some of the ignorant emails she sends me that someone forwarded to her, who had it forwarded to them, who had it forwarded to them.
Edit to add: You've hit on another point I was having trouble relating. The fact that some people expect others to and do "buy the whole
package". and if you disagree with even one thing you get treated like your on the "other side", a traitor of sorts.
It's like, I'm a liberal who disagrees with gun control. A liberal who supports it would then try to tell me I'm not a liberal if I think that.
And a conservative would assume I must agree with gun control if I simply told them I'm a liberal based on preconceived notions.
[edit on 12-9-2009 by nunya13]