posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Hi Everybody,
This is my first thread so be gentle and whatnot. This is more an experiment than anything else to see if this idea is popular and I hope people
responding will stick within the spirit of this mental game.
I am copying the work of Edward de Bono and you can link to his work on the "6 Thinking Hats" used here (there are other awesome thinking tools
devised by de Bono in his many books)
The set up,
Purple hat – Facts & Information
Red hat – Feelings & Emotions
Black hat – Critical Judgement
Yellow hat – Positive Judgement
Green hat – Alternatives and learning
Blue hat – The Control Hat
The Purple hat is actually a white hat but i have re-named / re-labeled it as Purple for ease of editing. White text maybe to be reserved for the OP.
I have taken the position of the Blue controlling hat but any one can pick up the blue hat at any point.
So the substance of the thread
Question "9/11 was/was not an inside job"
To Mods, soz cause I am about to post about 6 replies to myself to get the ball rolling and I would like each reply to be of a standard colour, please
bare in mind this is an experiment on the Internet but it should be fine, and I hope for politeness from all.