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Trust None But Yourself...

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posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 01:44 AM
and yourself only a little. that's my own idea. and i thought of it because occasionally i stand on the shoulders of giants. i got soul , but i'm not a soldier. that's the killers.
this thread is about non-human primates and how to care for them as the child like cousins of ours which they are. the title of the the paper is "describe at least two of the biggest factors endangering non-human primate species in our modern world; discuss (not just describe) the role that primatologists can play in preventing primate extinctions. well, to say the least i just completely went off on this one. if the illuminati, cia, and even bill maher's writers do visit this site then this is the one i want them to read. here it is:
Two of the Biggest Factors Endangering Non-human Primates

The first and greatest factor endangering non-human primates is that of deforestation. Out textbook states that this is due to the fact that “ninety percent of the one hundred and ninety living primate species live in tropical forests- in Africa, Asia, South America, and Central America.” This could not be any clearer. Humans are destroying the habitats of the non-human primates.

The ever-expanding human population decimates animal populations as well as sensitive ecosystems. For as long as humans have existed they have relied heavily on the manipulation of their natural environments with what could only be considered a ruthless lack of consideration for other forms of life. The speed and efficiency with which the living environments of non-human primates is destroyed is the biggest factor in the shrinking non-human primate population.

A second and almost equally disturbing factor contributing to the demise of these creatures is that they “get in the way” of human activity; specifically farming. Our textbook states “primates also are killed when they are agricultural pests. In some areas of Africa and Asia baboons and macaques raid the crops on which people depend for subsistence.” The book goes on to state that an estimated fifteen to twenty thousand primates perished each year between 1947 and 1962 at the hands of the government of Sierra Leone. This was done by holding “annual drives” to “rid farm areas of monkeys.”
(A local and recent example of this is the almost complete disappearance of the Appalachian wild cat. The mountain cat, the cougar, and their quasi-cousin, the fox, have been all but virtually wiped out due to farmers “protecting” their crops and livestock from these animals. )

A primatologist belongs to one of the few groups of people whose daily life , studies, and even livelihood are inextricably linked to the non-human primates of the world and to the survival of these species. There are several roles that the primatologist can play in preventing primate extinctions. One way is the formation and maintenance of sanctuaries. These primate sanctuaries offer a place to live for primates that have been abused through what the textbook describes as “the bushmeat trade, entertainment industry, and other captive settings.” The primatologist may also play a significant role through what I call “increasing awareness”.

As much as I love my fellow human beings they are , at times, about as aware of what goes on around them as a cinder block would be. Humans are extraordinary in that the majority will listen to and believe almost anything they hear from friends, family members, the media and religious and political leaders if they are told something enough times. They can be unthinking and oblivious and can have a tendency to let others think for them. The primatologist can use this to her advantage by organizing a massive campaign uniting academics, researchers, field workers, and students designed to bring about an awareness in the minds of the public about what is truly happening. When enough information is put in front of the public eye then, and only then, will people start responding.

Who is going to inform the public about the plight of the non-human species if not the primatologist? There is no other person or group of people in the world with a better knowledge or understanding about what is happening. And because of this an entirely new sub-field of primatology needs to be created with the sole purpose of infiltrating media outlets with this information. This sub-field needs to train individuals in the art of public speaking and send them across the world. It needs people trained in website and graphic design , lobbying, fund-raising , and marketing. And of course these people would be primatologists to begin with, but with all of these other skills to boot. Anything less than this is just not good enough. Humans have infiltrated the habitat of non-human primates and in so doing have begun the extinction process for these creatures. The only solution is to infiltrate the minds of the public psyche with an awareness of what is happening.

There are smaller and more specific ways that the primatologist can play a role in preventing primate extinctions. They are, in my opinion, only slowing the process of non-human primate extinction. Anything less than a war fought on every social front to present the tragic situation to the public is, in my opinion, futile.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:08 AM
well written in my opinion. next time you make a thread you should make the title relative to what you are writing about . you know, don't start writing about music when you want to get your feelings across about something else like in this case about non-human primates. also, people on the ats only care about non-humans with respect to extraterrestrials, angels, demons. or reptilians. thx , dragonsmusic.

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