posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 12:41 AM
Here is a picture I captured from a video I can't recall ever seeing before, even though it appears to be from some of the Camera Planet footage. I
thought I'd seen all that???
Anyway, some people are walking around down at the WTC and someone says "Is that an airplane seat?"
Video here:
So before I go much further, can some other people weigh in here please and generally identify that as an airplane seat? Anyone ever discussed this? I
can't recall ever seeing it...
Because the next question would be if that is indeed a plane seat, and given that it would have had to come from F175 or F11, a 767 222-ER and 767
223-ER, respectively, I am having some real trouble finding pics to match it. Everything I am finding does not look like that, which is why I have a
hunch that could be a jumpseat? Or is this from a destroyed bus (ground vehicle)?
Anyway, thought I'd put it up for discussion...unless I'm way late.
[edit on Sat Sep 12th 2009 by TrueAmerican]