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Patriot Day Should Be Renamed

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:37 AM
On October 25, 2001 the House of Representatives approved Joint Resolution 71 to designate September 11th annually as "Patriot Day".

The official name of September 11th is now Patriot Day? Are all those that were lost in the attack really "Patriots"? If so, what makes them patriots? I'd refer to them as innocent victims of a horrific event. I think the commemorating adage should be more like Remembrance Day (which is already taken by Canada, as someone has pointed out) if one is to be applied to this day.

"Patriot Day" to be seem to dishonor the victims, in my opinion, because it's nothing more than government propaganda for "Get Behind Your Country And Support These Wars We're About To Wage Against Nations That Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 Day".

I just wonder if we were to expose some sort of conspiracy or government fore-knowledge if we could get the name changed from "Patriot Day" to perhaps "Justice Day" or maybe "Day of Reckoning" to commemorate September 11th and those that willingly disregarded the warnings that numerous other countries issued and multiple government agency warned the administration about before hand.

I'm sure I'll take alot of heat for posting this thread and that's fine. I just call them as I see them.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by tyranny22]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:38 AM
It should be named, we demand answers and we won't stop until we get them. We have been intentionally lied to, by the people who we entrust with protecting us, and enough is enough.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Remembrance day is already taken.
We use that name instead of veterans day here in Canada.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

I think no matter what official moniker is applied it always just be 9/11.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Good point. I guess we'll have to try for another. I noted such in the OP.

reply to post by hooper

I think that's the name that 98% of people will associate with it. Nine Eleven. Almost as if it's a brand.

I wonder if people ever termed December 7th with something other than Pearl Harbor Day. The year after it happened did people refer to the day as Twelve Seven? I doubt "Pearl Harbor Day" was termed in their minds, yet. Maybe we could get some input from people who remember that day or the year after?

Anyway, Nine Eleven was drilled into people's minds day after day after it happened. It wasn't even a year and this had become the common nomenclature when referencing the attack that happen on September 11th, 2001. Even today we still use it.

Thank God most people don't recognize it's designation as "Patriot Day" or else it'd drive me crazy. Patriot Day? What a load of crap. I bet someone has had a good laugh every year since 2003 – when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Because to them Patriot Day is just the mark of the event that allowed the United States to sends it's "Patriots" in to Nation Build and spread "Democracy" across the Middle East.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by tyranny22]

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