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Michale Savage's Radio Empire Delt a Major Blow

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posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Animal

Small potatoes to a man that despite his displeasure with the corrupt powers in his home city of San Fransisco has not abandoned the city entirely. Savage regularly exposes the corruption of San Fran and Kali-fornia while promoting what little worthwhile remains. Most San Franciscans tune out Savage and the truth and so what was lost?

My prediction is that if any truth seekers remain in San Fransisco someone will again pick up his show in that area. We are not Venezuela. I think there will always be a market for the truth, if not, God help us.

S.F. BAY AREA LISTENERS! SAVAGE IS LIVE ON KSTE 650 ON THE DIAL - September 13th, 2009 headline on

Wow, I'm a modern day Nostradamus. Just shows "you can't keep a good man down".

Michael Savage - Banned In Britain

Cambridge Union invites Michael Savage to debate

The fate of Michael Savage is tied directly to the fate of our republic.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

The invitation letter, signed by society presidents Julien Domercq and Jonathan Laurence, says the Cambridge Union has been following Savage's case "with great interest" and believes he is "more qualified than anyone to talk about the subject of political correctness in American and Britain." - excerpted from the report on WorldNetDaily

The truth has no borders.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

while i am happy you have found inspiration in your life i find it to be a bit tragic that it came in the form of dr. weiner.

while i respect your beliefs in or on the subject of dr. weiner, i full heatedly disagree.


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Animal
reply to post by Hemisphere

while i am happy you have found inspiration in your life i find it to be a bit tragic that it came in the form of dr. weiner.

while i respect your beliefs in or on the subject of dr. weiner, i full heatedly disagree.


Thank you for the civility Animal.
We agree to disagree on Dr. Michael Alan Weiner, aka Michael Savage. I'm inspired by many things in my life and I pay close attention to those I even mildly admire for signs of insincerity. I assure you it's not a bit tragic. Life goes on and we all hopefully live and learn throughout. No one is perfect and I'm willing to correct course when I'm proven to be errant.



posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by badgerprints
reply to post by uaocteaou

I don't believe I've even mentioned liking Michael Savage or not, and I'm not concerned with his employment situation.

I've simply expressed my opinion on the fact that we don't have the right to curb anothers free speech based on our opinion of what he or she is saying.

Is there a problem with that?

No-one's denying him the right of free speech. They're taking away the privilege (from Latin roots meaning "private law" of having a radio show to spout from.

He must simply have oulived his usefulness, It's not even as if he spoke out against US wars, like Phil Donohue and Bill Maher. I think there's a case for them being censored, but not Savage.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Hemisphere
reply to post by Hemisphere

The invitation letter, signed by society presidents Julien Domercq and Jonathan Laurence, says the Cambridge Union has been following Savage's case "with great interest" and believes he is "more qualified than anyone to talk about the subject of political correctness in American and Britain." - excerpted from the report on WorldNetDaily

The truth has no borders.

I rather think they expect him to be laughed at, or at least to be a crowd-puller. I'd go and see him, even though he's arguing the side of the motion I agree with, which is depressing.

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