posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 02:17 PM
Originally posted by INSANCT
So the question I've always wanted to know so if God did exist and was the almighty creator - who created God???? just seems like a fictional based
story, something to for people to believe and have faith in, I was raised in a Catholic family but there are way too many flaws in the stories
Good question, but here's a few more:
- Where did the first cell come from that started the evolution process?
- Where did the gasses come from that started the big bang?
- Where did outer space come from?
These, like your question, are impossible for humans to fathom. The reason is because in our experiences here on earth, everything has a beginning
and an end...including us...we are born and then we die; we start working and then we stop working; we eat a meal and then we take a crap; and so on
and so on. Our brains (that we use less than 7% of) just can't wrap themselves around concepts like infinity.
The bottom line is that you can think as hard as you like about whatever theory, but none is really believable, so I just say go with what your heart
tells you.