posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 12:47 PM
I have been pondering about this to and even read a few books seeking possible physical explanations on this. Turns out there is a somewhat
revolutionary thought experiment on this in quantum physics called "quantum immortality", assuming the many worlds interpretation is true, it might be
feasible that one cannot experience his/her own death.
In short, the experiment goes like this (it sounds a bit like an expanded shrödinger's cat): suppose there is a gun with six rounds pointed at one's
head, the trigger being wired up to a quantum spin measurement apparatus. When a new photon's spin is measured to have a certain value, the trigger is
pulled, in case of a different spin, the gun just clicks and does not fire. Now, any observer will eventually (and probably quite soon) see the bloody
demise of the subject. However, in the eyes of the doomed individual; he experiences no death and just switches to a new dimension in space and time
where the gun just clicks, walking away unharmed. This only holds true if the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics is true, so I wouldn't
recommend trying this at home. You wouldn't be proving anything to us anyway, since you'd just die to the best of our knowledge. The key is in the
relativity: you can only prove it to yourself.
I find a lot of similarities between this thread and this experiment and in some way or another, I think it explains a lot of the close calls I've
experienced and walked out unharmed (car crashes, near misses, ...). Just wanted to share this.
edit on 25-4-2011 by Frohike because: (no
reason given)