posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:35 AM
Hello everybody. I'm going to be honest right now, I am only posting this so that I can hit the required 20 post mark, so that I can then make an
important thread announcing the AntiWing Movement.
While not wanting to give too much a way (mainly because I do not want to end up creating repeat threads and potentially spamming) I will say this;
this movement will be focusing on more then just the left, right and social paradigm we a *forced* into everyday, but also about getting us back on
track as people, and as a nation.
It will not be easy, nor do I expect it to be.
Well, I suppose that counts as an introduction
But on a lighter, more friendly note, I'm a long time reader of this site, I have seen and read many topics that could have been great, fall flat on
their faces and I am quite frankly fed up with it. There are many great people here, which I can't wait to speak to directly.
Anyway, thanks for having me guys.