posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Perspective: "Race Mixing is Communism"
People here have had great difficulty recalling the way McCarthy used accusations of 'communist' to rip this country apart. This label has been
used in the past as a tool by others motivated by hatred and fear who will say anything to forward their own agenda. No one wanted to write "I am a
racist" on a sign. If you want to silence debate without a fair-minded debate, simply demonize your opposition. It's much easier.
Here is a photo of a rally at the State Capital Building in Little Rock, AK in 1959. They were protesting against racial integration at a local high
school. In their minds, race mixing was symptom of the 'communist threat.' Anyone supporting race mixing was a communist and a traitor to the
United States. If this threat went unchallenged it would destroy the United States and "everything the founding fathers fought for." You'll also
recognize the reference to the "Antichrist" in the middle - seems familiar doesn't it?
Now, history repeats itself because we didn't learn. Maybe we never will.
[edit on 9-9-2009 by andrewh7]