posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:31 PM
Something occurred to me today regarding conspiracies in general.
Is it possible that some conspiracies are born, fed and nurtured by the powers that be in an attempt to ready or desensitize the public. for example,
if we are continuosly warned of impending terrorists attacks, when they occurr no one will be very surprised. In fact they will be expected.
So if you take that example and spread it across other conspiracy theories the same could hold true.
Our brains are wired for desensitization. Take video games for instance. When kids play violent video games the violent nature of the games, ie. blood
spurting etc. barely registers after awhile and they will expect it or be left wanting even more blood.
As a Manager of people over the years, one lesson I learned along time ago, was in order to assist people (who dislike change) in accepting change was
to drop smaller bits of the big change/picture incrementally over time. This way they get used to the idea and are more accepting of it.
With this in mind, it makes me wonder if sites like this one and/or the people who frequent them could be the objects of manipulation. We can raise
the idea (theory) speak to it, offer some proof and belief of it and spread the word. Meanwhile we are never given the whole story, and can never
completely prove the theory at least or maybe not until it is in fact ready to be revealed by TPTB.
So we are used to slowly release the idea to the public incrementally until it is time as decided by.......