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A Pentagon inconsistency...

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 04:33 PM
I'm just watching "Loose Change Final Cut" on Esoteric Tube, and I have reached the point where a gentleman from the FAA is describing the grounding of all commercial flights.

He states that while the plane is approaching the Pentagon, he was in a meeting with the Vice President and a young man keeps coming in stating that a hijacked plane is fifty miles away, then forty, then thirty, and if the order still stands.

My question is, was the Pentagon evacuated?

If not, how many died due to his inaction?

I know it's just one detail, but I felt compelled to ask here as this has probably been discussed. I just wanted to know if this was another one of those questions that has been conveniently ignored by the Bush Administration.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
I'm just watching "Loose Change Final Cut" on Esoteric Tube, and I have reached the point where a gentleman from the FAA is describing the grounding of all commercial flights.

He states that while the plane is approaching the Pentagon, he was in a meeting with the Vice President and a young man keeps coming in stating that a hijacked plane is fifty miles away, then forty, then thirty, and if the order still stands.

My question is, was the Pentagon evacuated?

If not, how many died due to his inaction?

I know it's just one detail, but I felt compelled to ask here as this has probably been discussed. I just wanted to know if this was another one of those questions that has been conveniently ignored by the Bush Administration.

Without getting in to too much detail I think the young man was referring to Washington, DC. Nobody could know for sure that the target was, indeed, the Pentagon. Secondly, to fully evacuate the Pentagon takes a very long time. It is the biggest office in the Western Hemisphere and only the Kremlin is larger.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Well, interesting thoughts.

I have heard no mention of ANY announced evacuations. In the case of the Pentagon, seems it would have been rather difficult, in any event:

The Pentagon houses approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel.

Roughly 26,000 people (assuming they are all on duty/at work at the same time).

Slightly off-topic perhaps, but I'd sure like to see ole' "Dick" Cheney laid out and made to answer the question: "What was going through your mind that morning, while you were safe in the 'undisclosed location'?"

(Actually, I think it is known to have been the secure SitRoom bunker in DC, but....)

His comments were cryptic, according to those who are relating what they witnessed. What did it mean, "Does the order still stand?"

People can only speculate, until or unless the 'Evil One' actually talks.

Also, the timeline of all this gets confused...was it the AA77 approaching when that comment was made, or later when UA93 was heading East??

Too many people offer opinions, and confuse the times and the facts. Would be nice to have a dispassionate assessment.

(Obviously, I loathe the man, the former Veep, so I'm not the one to be impartial...)

I think AFTER the Pentagon hit, the WH was evac'ed. Not sure about the Capitol Building. Don't think so, but not sure.

See? Speculation already, when we need FACTS!

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I've heard firsthand from people in 2 World Trade Center were specifically told NOT to evacuate. I'm pretty sure this is on the news archived at the top of the page, and in threads in this forum.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by detachedindividual

In the case of the Pentagon, seems it would have been rather difficult, in any event:

The Pentagon houses approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel.

Roughly 26,000 people (assuming they are all on duty/at work at the same time).

It would be interesting to see what the Occupational Health and Safety people would have to say about this! Surely, even moreso because it was a military building, they would have practiced numerous bomb and fire evacuation drills over the years? A building wouldn't be allowed to operate with maximum numbers unless they could evacuate in case of emergency within a certain amount of time, surely?

Secondly, I thought one of the 'amazing' things about the Pentagon is that even though it was so huge, you could get from one side to another very quickly, due to the arrangements of the rings, etc. Surely this also means it could be evacuated somewhat efficiently?

Thirdly, even if they DIDN'T know where the plane was heading, and given that they were a key military institution, and given what they'd already seen happen earlier in the day... SURELY they would have evacuated out of caution, if nothing else?

Just makes no sense...


posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

(Actually, I think it is known to have been the secure SitRoom bunker in DC, but....)
Cheney, Mineta, and the "young man" were in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (P.E.O.C.).

His comments were cryptic, according to those who are relating what they witnessed. What did it mean, "Does the order still stand?"
According to Mineta and everyone else in the PEOC, the orders were to shoot down the approaching commercial airliner.

Also, the timeline of all this gets confused...was it the AA77 approaching when that comment was made, or later when UA93 was heading East??
The aircraft to Mineta was referring to was ‘Phantom UA93.‘

I'll try to lay this out over the next few posts, but let's start here.

So then someone came in, the same person came in and said, "Mr. Vice President, it -- the plane's 30-miles out." So I said, "Monte, can you see it, and where is it in relationship to the ground?"

He said, "Well, that's difficult to really determine. I would guess it's somewhere between Great Falls and National Airport, coming what they call the DRA, the down river approach."

And so then the person came in and said, "Mr. Vice President, the plane's ten-miles out," and so I said, "Monte, where is it?" and he said, "Well, I'm not really sure but I'd be guessing somewhere maybe between the USA Today building and, and National Airport."

And then pretty soon he said, "Oh-oh, we just lost the target." And so a few moments later, someone came in and said, "Mr. Vice President, there's been an explosion at the Pentagon."

So I said, "Monte, is there something -- can you identify it as being at the Pentagon?" He said, "No, we can't really pinpoint it like that." Article linked from 9/11
Did you notice the geographical references?

I'm sure you're familiar enough with the DC area and the Down River Approach to notice the problem with Mineta's geographical references and understand that what he describes in no way resembles what actually happened.


[edit on 8-9-2009 by Boone 870]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:36 PM
The yellow line in the image from my last post represents a direct path between the Hagerstown VOR (HGR) and DCA VOR.

The reason that line is included is because Cleveland Center air traffic controller, Linda Justice, updated the flight plan for United 93. Here is what she said in an accident report on 9-12-01, "In an attempt to expedite the situation, I put a change of routing in to reflect HGR---> DCA. This was only to forward to information to the sectors the aircraft appeared to be tracking toward." PDF, page 11

In this video, you can hear Linda Justice informing Washington Center controllers that she updated the flight plan to DCA as "a good guess." (Fast-forward to the 4:15 mark.)

As you may know, WW, changing a flight's destination will also change what air traffic controllers see on the Traffic Situation Display.

Someone was watching Phantom 93 approach Washington on the TSD and thought that it was real. Real enough to cause the rescue operations at the Pentagon to be temporarily halted and real enough to cause Andrews Air Force Base to launch F-16s in hopes of intercepting it.

Mineta was confused about which aircraft he was remembering. That's why they left his testimony out of the 9/11 Commission Report.

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