I can attest to the fact that I was very glad I was in the hospital for the birth of both of my children. I wanted a natural birth with my daughter,
with no pain meds, but that all quickly changed when I became dehydrated from vomiting because the pain was so intense.
I did end up getting an epideral, but halfway through labor, my duaghters heartbeat became irratic and reached a point where they had difficulty
finding it. They rushed me in the OR to have an emergency c-section. She recovered quickly, but the doctor told me there was no way she would have
survied a long delivery. I had been in labor for 12 hours and my cervix had only dialated to about 6 cm.
Back then (1992), the insurance companies had a rule that stated the mother had to try for a natural child birth even if she previously had a
cesarean. My doctor was so angry about this because he felt that in my case, it would be dangerous. He ended up being proven correct. Labor with my
son was progressing alot better than with my daughter.
However about 10 hours in suddenly felt wierd and everything seemed to be in a tunnel of some sort. I remember the nurses running around and yelling
questions at me, but my mouth wouldnt work. Then my doctor was there talking to me, but it was like he was fading away. I remember feeling like
something was very wrong, but I felt no pain and couldnt figure out what it was.
I was rushed into another emergency c-section, and it was then it was discovered that there was a large tear in my uterus from my previous c-section.
My son was trying to come out through that hole! (He has always been one to do things differently!
) We both recovered well, although I was
in the hospital for a week afterwards. My doctor told me that if he hadnt been near my room that my son & I could have died, and that we would have
most definitely would have died had we been at a birthing center with a midwife.
I think it is wonderful that some women can experience childbirth in the comfort of their own home. However, there are some of us who end up having
complications that are quite unforseen. I was in great shape, and ate extremely healthy. Statistcially I should have been one of the women to have a
normal delivery. Instead I ended up being one of the cases my doctor presented to the insurance committee to change the rule about having a mandatory
natural delivery after having a c-section.
I am glad there are options for women on how they want to experience childbirth. There is no right or wrong way to do it. All that matters is what
is most comfortable for the mother.