A while back I started a thread on swine flu with a link to an article by F. William Engdahl, another of his articles was posted by crimvelvet
so credit to him.
I won't provide too much analysis of this because a) The author is far more knowledgeable than me in this subject, and b) I don't want to create
All I will say is that these "Global" Organisations are ultra powerful, maybe not militarily in this case but financially and politically. How much
Influence does WHO,WTO,World Bank, EU, NATO, UN, G20 have? Add to that the hinted NAU.
I was interested in the effects of GMO/s when they came out but have forgotten about it;time for some research.
Ok this is the final zombie bump, I know I said the above was the last but the info contained here matters in my opinion. At least people can read it
if not comment.