Well I was outside having a smoke late 2 nights ago, around 3am before i went off to bed, i was looking up a the brilliant almost full moon. As i was
staring at it i saw a little black spec moving around, at first i thought it was a bug and just forgot about it and looked away. Then i look back up
and there it was still there this time perfectly still. So i looked at it and again fgot distracted by a car ( happens
sometimes especially the
noisy ones ). When i look back up it was gone.
Now this really sparked my interest, and i wasnt going to share this with ATS until i read a thread which got some heated responses on the subject of
a Mars,Moon, Earth war....or something like that. Anyway that inspired me to quickly throw together this thread.
Im not promoting that idea which seems kinda ....well.......i dunno. But i will support the fact that the moon is worth looking into if you can remote
view/Astral/mind travel. I personally feel there is more there than meets the eye.
So i went back inside and went to sleep, that night i mind traveled ( not astral projected ) in the direction of the moon. This was the first time i
attempted it, normally i could care less about whats going on with the moon or anything in space for that matter. Tonight was different.
As i mind projected, which is sorta a mix between Astral Projection and remote viewing, i shot out of my body within my room and flew upward very
quickly. And i flew right past the moon, and out into space.
Anyway when i was flying by i "looked" back at the dark side before it became too far away to see.
I saw an extremely large object, sorta long behind the moon, i was sorta silhouetted but it was smooth and was long. Almost looked like the monolith
from space odyssey, but it could have been any shape since i had little reference. And there seemed to be alot going on in our lunar neck of the
woods, lights and such all over the surface.
I will try again when the moon is not so bright to maybe get a better look, if you are interested in me keeping you up to dat please U2U me.
Please feel free to share any experience you may have had personally with the moon
i would love to read them
Disclaimer : I was very tired and my memory is very shaky about what went down, i will do my best to answer questions but that this point its like
recalling a semi-vivid dream from 2 days ago.
[edit on 6-9-2009 by phi1618]